Breast pain

  • 6 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi I had a lumpectomy in October and had to have another in November. I completed a three week course of radiotherapy which finished on 19 February but are still struggling with pain in my breast, some days are better than others.  Is this normal? 

  • Hi Shaz welcome to the forum and sorry that you havent had a  response yet.

    As  read your post I wanted to say to you to think of this:

    1 operation then closed up to heal.

    2nd operation opens up same area and take more from the breast and then closed again.

    Then you have 3 weeks of Radiotherapy and Im not al all surprised that you are still having pain in your breast it may be sensitive and you may be more aware of it than ever but it is healing I imagine and that means things can tingle a bit and can ache as well.

    All that said if  feels hot to the touch or look red in anyway then you need to go see the GP as this can be the sign of an infection which agian can occur but doesn't always. 

    If you are at all concerned though pop back and get the GP to have a look and put your mind at rest.

    Sending some huge big hugs your way for now. xxxxx 


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to GRANNY59

    Hi Granny59

    Thank you for replying.

    It doesn't look red or feel hot to touch but I will see how I get on in the next couple of weeks. The nipple area is very sensitive and sore. I have contacted the breast nurse and are waiting for her to come back to me. xx

  • Hi

    I also have had problems with pain so understand your issue. I was put on Gabapentin a nerve blocking painkiller after speaking to the breast care nurse and that has helped.

     I saw my breast surgeon again and she said it can take a long time for it all to settle as during surgery they have jiggled all the nerves around. 
    I also now have hypersensitivity of my nipple and it is extremely uncomfortable, she suggested a local anaesthetic gel or cream to numb it. I will be speaking to my GP next week to see what they suggest I use. I will get back to you if I find a solution!

    Take Care

    T xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Tootsie73


    I am waiting for my breast nurse to come back to me but I will mention Gabapentin to her as the paracetamol and ibuprofen do not really help that much with the pain. I have mentioned this to the hospital before when having the radiotherapy but they said to continue taking the paracetamol and ibuprofen. 

    I know what you mean about the nipple mine is exactly the same and is getting no better. Let me know how you get on with your GP next week.

    Take care xx

  • Hi

    I have just had a phone conversation with my GP. With regards the nipple pain she said to try baby teething gel/ cream as it has local anaesthetic in it and is gentle. Worth a try I guess.

    Take Care

    T xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Tootsie73


    It definitely is. I will have a look into this.

    Thank you.

    Take care xx