Blood clot on lung

  • 3 replies
  • 15 subscribers


I had a ct scan last week and got a call from my oncologists nurse to say it’s shown a clot on my lung, been down the the chemo unit today and been put on 5 months of blood thinners. Has anyone else had this while on chemo? I’m also struggling with paclitaxel side effects, my legs and feet have been so painful and other body parts to. I’m also on filgrastim injections and was told today those mixed with the paclitaxel is causing it. My oncologist now wants to see me next week I was originally meant to see him on the 12. I’m now worried something else has shown up on the ct scan. I’ve had no luck since I started this journey and feel as though it’s never ending bad news all the time 

  • Gosh,  what a hard time you are having! Well done completing the EC, and good luck on the Paclitaxel.  If you are seeing thr oncologist on Monday would you/ she consider weekly instead of fortnightly? It's thr easiest one in terms of side effects,  and if you are getting peripheral neuropathy then it could be managed more carefully,  and potentially stopped with less chance of permanent damage.  

    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Londonmumof2

    I think the chemo nurses have emailed my oncologist as I had to ring up yesterday as I was in such bad pain. I’m hoping he might reduce the dose or maybe change to weekly. It’s pure evil and I’ve reCryly suffered since having it done last Thursday. The blood clot has set me back but I have been told it’s common with chemo, I seem to have set back after set back and it’s a real struggle. I’m also Cryeading my ct scan results as I’m such an anxious person I always think of the worst outcome. This cancer lark isn’t a walk in the park is it!! Cry

  • I know! I thought it would improve after chrmo, finished 7 weeks ago,  but I'd  a bag reaction to thr Zoledronic Acid, and I'm on my second brand of Letrozole. Thr first brand (Cipla) hange be really bad joint pains - my fingers cracked when I woke up - and lots of hot flushes! Accord is giving pain in my back, feet and ankles, and I'm currently taking it every 36 hours instead of daily. I'm thinking of asking for a one month private prescription of Femara (the original) to see if any better. Only 5- 10 years to go lol!

    After surgery I was so positive,  but after the medications I'm feeling like is much harder to recover and move forward, and I've gone from being hopeful to being anxious  Back to work on phased return next week,  so maybe that will help (if I can walk by then!)

    Good luck with the oncologist. I'd hand though worth SSL the pain and the blood clot that you'd be a good candidate for weekly? X

    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,