Tissue expander

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  • 19 subscribers

Hi everyone

i was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma October 2019 and two tumours were found creating a lump on the right side of the breast which was almost 7cm. 

I had a mastectomy in November 2019..and in Milan at the European Institute of Oncology they were absolutely amazing and able to do a skin and nipple sparing procedure. Having removed the whole mammary gland (which weighed 700g with surrounding tissue) the surgeon decided to fit a tissue expander, procede with Chdmo (about to have my 3rd treatment) and radiation therapy in March & hormone therapy..then after all this, I will be fitted with a permanent breast implant & they will correct my left breast for symmetry too. 

Has anyone else had similar procedures done? How have you found the whole story of having the expander pumped up every few weeks!? Was it the best thing for you?  Please share the love and your experiences with me. Perhaps in the UK, treatment is different. Ciao xxx

  • I had an expander fitted after my Mastectomy in October.  I have had the expander pumped up twice and did not find it uncomfortable,  It is also a good shape.  I will be having a permanent breast implant fitted when I have my other breast reduced later this year.