No sleep after surgery

  • 3 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Hello I am on day 7 of recovery from a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy. I cannot sleep at all. I just cannot get comfy! My bed clothes stick to my boob no matter what I do and there is just a low level pain which is constant. My underarm incision is giving me a lot if pain and I am very swollen. Is this level of pain normal after 7 days? I've been taking the prescribed medications ibuprofen and codeine but there just not doing anything! I took zopiclone to get some sleep which worked but I ended up face down in the garden after falling over and then had to crawl to my bed I'm now scared to take them in case I fall again. I am quite frustrated and worried that I am not recovering properly as everything I've searched up.on Google says the pain should be manageable. Maybe I'm just a wimp but surely it should be less painful not getting worse after 7 days! Thankyou for listening to me vent xx

  • Hi , Poor you! It sounds like you're having a really difficult time:(

    f you're a week on from surgery have you had a dressing change and wound check where you've managed to speak to thr breast nurse or surgeon? Did you have a drain to collect fluid for thr first few days or do they not use them? If you're swollen could it be a seroma? The surgery on your nodes is likely to be sore for some time unfortunately, depending on the number of nodes removed. I imagine that you'll find all that out when you get the results back from surgery in the next week or so. It might be an idea to ask if the breast nurse can take a look in the  mean time, as she might spot something and be able to help.  Hope it improves soon:) xx

    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,
  • FormerMember

    Hi littlenicky78

    I've had the same operation as you on the 10th dec . I found taking the codeine kept me awake at night so managed the pain with paracetamol and Ibrophen and kicked the codeine into touch. 

    I've not really suffered with pain , more discomfort .How many nodes did you have removed ? During the node biopsy the nerves get moved around and then tense up. I did my exercises 4 times a day they told me to do them 3 times , each day I moved my affected arm slightly more. 

    If your in pain I'd suggest you contact your breast care nurse and discuss this with her ? Even if it just puts your mind at rest for the rest of your recovery period. Dont suffer in silence. Good luck with the rest of your treatment. 


  • FormerMember

    Hi, I really feel for you. I also found that the pain after surgery was much more severe than expected! You are only on day 7 and I honestly think that it's normal to feel a lot of pain.

    Speak to your doctor, they may be able to give you some short term stronger pain relief?

    I had a mastectomy and reconstruction using muscle and fat on my back, it was excruciating and over 3 months on I'm still in pain.

    It's the second time I've had breast cancer and the first time I had a lumpectomy with all of the lymph nodes removed, and like you, I found the pain under my arm very bad. Very uncomfortable and I couldn't sleep either. It does take a while to calm down. Mines took many months as they severed the muscle in order to remove the lymph nodes. Did they cut through your underarm muscle? If they did it will probably take time to heal, it's normal but always get your doc to check it if it's red, hot or inflamed.

    I wish you well in your recovery and really hope its a speedy one!