It’s back!!!

  • 6 replies
  • 17 subscribers

So within a year of a llumpectomy chemo and radiotherapy I find another llump and it’s confirmed following biopsy it’s the same stage 3 triple negative breast cancer. Only option full mastectomy which I had last week. 
seriously is it still possible with a mastectomy that it will come back. I had a 40% chance it would come back just didn’t think so soon. Original tumour was over 15cm big not sure about this one for another week. Just feeling quite lost and unsure 

sorry. Rant over

  • FormerMember

    Hi loola, Im so sorry about your news, and you are probably feeling awful and scared right now, but try and think that at least you found lump and didn't ignore it. I had triple negative diagnosis dec 2018 and had lumpectomy followed by chemo and rads, also just found lump in same breast and been referred so waiting to see what mine is.Have a chat with your bc nurse ,that might help with your concerns sending gentle hugs xx

  • FormerMember

    Just wanted to check in, the coming back part is just so rude. Mine is back too. I had lumpectomy, chemo and radio. I got 2 years without the recurrence and am now back on chemo pre mastectomy.  Are you having chemo again too?  Best wishes to you x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi tinks2

    i hope it’s a false alarm and just scar tissue. Good luck. Let me know how you get on. Sending love

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi juju4

    no I’m not having chemo or radiotherapy again said they can’t and save chemo in case metastasis. 
    hope all goes well hon. Hope chemo not too harsh xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I find the different treatment regimes really hard to understand!  I had FEC first time round but after the lumpectomy. This time i will have docetaxel and carboplatin before mastectomy. I understand keeping chemo in reserve for in case it comes back again, but who knows. Does chemo help at this point? Will there be other types if chemo available for mets anyway? How regularly will you get checks and do you know what that involves? Lots of good wishes to you, bloody stupid cancer. Pah. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I know I don’t understand either and I’m a qualified nurse!!

    my hospital just leave you to it and I have annual mammograms but I contact them if I think there’s something wrong like this lump I found. They are good and always see me quickly but otherwise don’t have annual oncology appointments just the mammograms. Lots of love to you xx