Referral for reconstruction

  • 2 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I had my mastectomy in July 2019 and had issues healing where lymph nodes were removed . Radiotherapy was delayed and completed 18th December and the whole thing has opened up again . I’ve seen the breast nurse at Wigan and it’s now dressed etc . I’m still in the Christie at Wigan every three weeks until mid April having pertuzumab and herceptin through my chest port. The surgeon said I’d be referred for reconstruction after that treatment ends . I’m hoping for diep reconstruction from my tummy and they will reduce and lift my other boob . 
how long does this referral take ? How soon can I expect this surgery after April ? Have any of you had this type of surgery ? 
gilly xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Gilly, 

    I’m just recovering from diep reconstruction, I had my mastectomy and reconstruction at the same time. 
    any questions you have I will be happy to answer from my own experience. 

  • Hi Gilly, 

    I have had diep reconstruction for a double mastectomy.  I had the operation in September. I am happy with the results.   I will very happily answer any specific questions you might have.( I think referal lengths probably vary, and I had my reconstruction at the same time as my mastectomy.. )

    Good luck with everything, sorry to hear you have had rotten time with the healing bit of your mastectomy but hopefully things will heal now that you have finished the radiotherapy. 

    Lots of love

    Sukki xx