What do i need to know for the 1st consultant meeting since diagnosis 13 days ago

  • 7 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hello kind people.

I have been reading your advice and support for each other today. Thank you for sharing with such compassion and honesty too. 

I was diagnosed 13 days ago. This Tuesday I am due to meet with the consultant and find out what surgery and treatment approach is agreed.

I have researched and made notes and wondered if you have any tips or advice on what to ask or what you wish you could have asked at your meeting with the consultant post initial consultation.

  • FormerMember


    Warm welcome to the club no one wants to join :-/

    Suppose the first thing you need to find out is if they are going for surgery first then chemo later (if needed) or Chemotherapy prior to surgery as this option varies from one persons breast cancer type to another.

    If surgery first would this be a lumpectomy or mastectomy - if the latter would you may be offered immediate reconstruction at the same time or at a later date post any radiotherapy which can affect implants if that type of recon is used.

    If chemo prior to surgery - Do they offer any kind of PICC line or Port-a-Cath iv access as standard to administer chemo drugs and take 'bloods' from as this can save a lot of needle jabs and lessen the risk of vein damage from hand cannulas. You would also need to know which chemo drugs regime are they using as there are several different types of chemo drugs they could offer and each can have differing side effects.

    Do you know your receptor status ? Like are you ER/PR and HER2 negative or positive as this can dictate your treatment path.

    Do also join the Main Breast Group here as the treatments are the same and it is a lot more active - most under 50's join both.

    Hope this is of some help for now, G n' J

  • Hi Dreamthief

    Many thanks for taking the time time to share your advice and experience.  This is really helpful and I will write out my questions to tonight.  Your insight is invaluable. 

    At the first meeting, I was told grade 2 NST, oestrogen  positive  - lumpectomy may not work as I am small chested so I am prepared mentally (as much as I can be) that it is mastectomy plus radiotherapy plus hormone treatment (tamoxifen?) . May opt for reconstruction  after radiotherapy from what I read about the tissue hardening?

    Not sure about the lymph nodes but early ultrasounds suggested that they may be ok although had biopsy for multiple calcification in that breast.  

    The chemo info you gave is really helpful. It helps to have the technical language as  I feel I need a translator at times.

    I will check out the other forum group you mentioned .  Thanks for offering me your welcoming hand to the club I really didn't expect to join.

    I had been feeling so isolated and reading all the leaflets is helpful but couldn't get a sense if the next steps and pre surgery tests.

    Thank you.


  • Hi

    I was diagnosed sept 2018 with grade 1, 1cm oestrogen positive and had lumpectomy followed by 20 radiotherapy sessions (15 ‘normal’ then 5 ‘boost’).  My breast is now slightly harder to the touch snd slightly larger than the other. I was told the ‘boost’ sessions would be more likely to cause hardening but I wanted to have everything I possibly could. I ran most days throughout my treatment although had a red, itchy and sore boob which was very burned after the boost but soon cleared up. I have been on tamoxifen since October 2018 with no real issues apart from an ovarian cyst which I am told are very common regardless of tamoxifen. 
    just wanted to wish you well and feel free to ask literally any questions. 

  • Hi Helsjw

    Thank you for sharing your experience and I am heartened that you ran during your treatment. That is encouraging me to walk (Nordic walking for to knee/ back challenges).  Walking gives me headspace.

    Radiotherapy and its impact scares me...but I know this is for making sure all the abnormal cells are gone. I would rather have it than let the growth continue.

    I will find out more today. The nurses are so helpful so they may help translate the medical terms too.  

    Thank you for helping me navigate this.

  • Just please message me with any questions i am very happy to help you. The nordic walking sounds fabulous. We live near a forest so something i could really get involved with. 

  • I walked pretty much everyday during chemo, towards the end it wasn’t possible everyday as from day 4-9 I was in and out of bed with no energy and awful aches and pains in my back and legs.

    I had reconstruction after mastectomy and then had radiotherapy which finished 6 months ago, I didn’t have any side effects from radiotherapy, no soreness, redness or anything. My breast surgeon is pleased with the look of the boob now, no hardening or strinking.

    Wishing you the best of luck x x