Broken Skin Under The Breast During Radiotherapy

  • 8 replies
  • 18 subscribers


i am nearly at the end of my Radiotherapy treatment but my skin has started to break under the breast and is moist and is extremely sore. This is also happening under the armpit. They have put medicated dressing on to help and for comfort. Has anyone else experienced this? It’s so sore now I cannot wear a bra and I have 3 more treatments to go. I keep using the Flamigel and aloe Vera and now antihistamine as it’s itching. They said I have to be careful I don’t get a infection and to keep it clean. 

Love Netty xx

  • Hi

    I'm sorry to hear that the skin under your breast is starting to break and is extremely sore. This must be extremely uncomfortable for you.

    I don't have any experience with this but noticed that your post hadn't had any replies. It might be a good idea to also post this in the breast cancer group which I see you're a member of.

    The group has a dedicated radiotherapy thread and if you click on the link I've created it will take you straight there.

    I hope that this clears up soon.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    This happened to me.  I was told it is quite common.  What type of dressing were u given?  I have polymem and aquagel.  They also gave me a honey cream too.  The polymem u leave on as much as you can as it is more of a burn that split skin.  Polymem is used for burns.  It was amazing stuff.  It is better to keep it wet with the gel etc than let it dry out.

    I was also told to go without a bra as much as possible.  I used to wear a tight vest top for a bit of support.  I was also told not to moisturize anywhere near the splits.

    It took a good few weeks to heal but I got there.  

  • Hi Daisydoo, 

    at the moment they have told me to keep it clean and have given me mepilex dressings which are definitely helping. They have said still use my Flamigel and they will keep a eye on my skin. Two more treatments to go so fingers crossed I will start to get better soon. 

    Love Netty xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Netty113

    Just make sure u see them if things get worse or change u dont want an infection.

    Just a word of warning too, the RT will continue to do it's thing for a few weeks after you have finished.  I was told day 7-10 after you are likely to be at your worst and then it will all start healing. X

  • Thank you DaisyDoo. They said that it could peak approximately a week after treatment and to continue with looking after my skin but it’s hard to predict on if it will happen . They also told me what you have said be careful about infection and If any signs straight to my GP. I have noticed that the last couple of days I have been feeling really tired now as before it was waves of tiredness but I am just whacked out the last couple of days. 

    Thank you for giving me advice. 

    Love Netty xx

  • Hi Latchbrook,

    thank you for your kind message. 

    Love Netty xx

  • Hi netty 

    sorry to hear you’re having a rough time. I can’t offer any advise just love and a hug Hugging 


    Tinker bell xx
  • Hi Tinkerbell, 

    it”s ok and my last treatment is today yayyyyyy Slight smile I am doing what they tell me and it’s common for your skin to go. I am also having naps or getting in bed early resting and listening to my body.

    sending you lots of love too and hope that you’re ok. 

    Love Netty xx