New diagnosis and terrified

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I found out yesterday I have 99.9% certainty of having breast cancer. I had mammos, ultrasound and biopsy. Just waiting for the results for confirmation but my consultant convinced it is cancer. I find out in a couple of days what the plan is. I am terrified and have no idea how to tell my 19 year old son as it will destroy him. I feel sick every time I think about it. I only hope it will get easier to deal with.

  • FormerMember


    so sorry to hear this. I have felt numb, angry and scared since finding out I have cancer too.

    i have had my plan explained to me today and although it’s not the news I was hoping for I can at least work on accepting it. Hopefully you might feel a little calmer when you know what is going to happen. Uncertainty is the hardest thing to cope with.

    i have a 20 year old son. Telling him has been the worst bit. I am sending you love x x 

  • Hi Tootsie, 

    Bless your heart. I was diagnosed in August and it is a totally fearful stressful experience. At first you feel numb in shock and very scared which is completely normal but as your journey goes on you start to become stronger and cope with what they throw at you.  It’s not a nice journey but you will accept it and think right let’s fight this and have the courage to deal with all the treatment.  It will get easier as it goes on because once you have the treatment plan you will deal with it step by step and know how they plan to treat you . I found I couldn’t cope when I thought about the whole cancer ordeal so I took each day as it comes and dealt with each treatment step by step. 

    I am still having treatment and it’s bearable but I’m starting to look forward and feel more positive and you will too in time. Be kind to yourself and do little things that make you happy and smile. My partner recently decorated my daughters bedroom and I love it and it makes me smile each time I go in and look at her room. The counsellor said even simple things like that are good for your recovery. 

    Sending you lots of hugs and positive thoughts to get you through. 

    Much love Netty xx

  • I am so sorry you are having to go through this.  As the other 2 said, you really will feel better when you have a plan.  When you know what your treatment programme is going to be, you will feel much more prepared.   The unknown, and uncertainty, is the very worst.  It really does make you feel sick.

    Let us know how you get on.. 

    Sending lots of love, 

    Sukki xxxx

  • Hi

    So sorry you find yourself here. But you are in best place.

    I was diagnosed last Oct and I’ve had the full package, mastectomy, chemo and radiotherapy.

    Everybody here will probably say the waiting is the worst bit, it seems silly when you think about the prospect of surgery and chemo but the waiting is a limbo state where you fear the unknown and have no control but once you have a plan in place,  know what you are dealing with and start your treatment you feel like things are moving and you are doing something so you can be on the road to recovery it’s not always easy, but take it a step at a time and you will be in control again to kick cancer’s ass.

    Best of luck x x

  • FormerMember

    How are you doing Tootsie? Any news?

    M x 

  • Hi Mariella.

    Thanks for your support. I have had it confirmed but the prognosis is good. I feel so much better to now have a plan for surgery and radiotherapy.

    Telling my son was the hardest thing I have ever had to do and his reaction was heartbreaking. However he is glad he now knows and wants to be involved with everything so he can feel useful and support me.

     I have a month before my surgery so have time to take stock but know there is a tough road ahead. Knowing there are people like you out there who offer kind words and support is amazing so thank you. Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Tootsie73

    Glad you are feeling a bit better. I hope your son is coping too. Mine has been so lovely to me and that has made me feel loved. I have my surgery on 8th Jan and have been for my pre-op assessment this week. I am starting to feel a little calmer but still have the odd moment of sheer panic. Let’s both try to have a peaceful and relaxed Christmas and we can help each other get through the next step when it comes. Lots of love x 

  • Hi Mariella and Tootsie, 

    i just want to wish you both the best with your upcoming treatments and you will get through this terrible experience in your life. I panicked about it all but in the end it was ok and you ladies are going to smash it like the rest of us. I have just finished my treatment and now recovering and you will be in that boat soon. Sending you lots of hugs and strength. 

    My heart goes out to you both as I know how you are feeling.

    Love Netty xx

  • Hi Mariella and Tootie,

    Hope you are both doing ok. It’s a difficult time, but it does go by quite quickly. We will all be here for you every step of the way.

    Hugs Tina x

  • Hey, hope you had as good a Christmas as you could with your family. I actually had a great Christmas because the family just behaved as normal (some may say not normal at all)

    How are you feeling now your surgery is imminent? I have my pre op on 18th January but no surgery date yet.

    I am worried about the surgery obviously but I am now seeing it as a start. When I have it I will feel like I am actually fighting back and fighting to take my body back. 

    We are mums and have raised our boys to adulthood, with all the bridges we have had to cross along the way. This is just another bridge we have to cross and we will. I will be thinking of you on the 8th my lovely xx