Diagnosed several weeks ago (im 31)

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Breast CA 

Past several weeks have been spent visiting hospitals every week with something new to be told each time. I am a nurse myself and know these things are tough but when it comes to you its a different story! 

I go in for surgery tomorrow await my results (xmas eve) and the plan after this is for radiotherapy. My head has been all over the place which in turn has caused me not to be able to cope with normal working life which results in more stress/anxiety and worry pushing on financies. I feel I'm stuck here going round like a hamster on a wheel not knowing when I'm coming off. 

This is hard going when you have experienced nothing like this or had any family member with cancer. I joined this to hear from other people in my situation or any guidance would help 


  • Dear Enx, 

    I am really sorry that you are having to go through all of this.  All I can say, is that once things have started to be put into place, ie, once you have had your surgery, you will  start to feel better.  I think this is the very worst time.  You are in shock really, and it is almost impossible to absorb the diagnosis to start with. I remember feeling really sick for quite some time after initial diagnosis and unable to perform simple tasks.   After time, you will start to feel calmer and the road ahead will seem clearer. 

    This is a good place to ask any little questions that might be bothering you.  Everyone has a different story to tell, but we can all help each other... 

    Lots of love,  good luck tomorrow.. 

