Just been diagnosed not sure how to feel

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Hi everyone I have been diagnosed with breast cancer about two weeks ago so far I just feel really numb like it's happening to someone else. I've had to come off my contraceptive pill and I don't know if this is affecting my mood. I don't want to suddenly fall apart but I thought that I would be more emotional about the whole thing. Is that weird? 

  • Hi Little Nicky78, 

    i am sorry to hear that you are unfortunately joining us but this forum is really useful and people are really supportive and can help. 

    That feeling is really normal as I felt the same when I was diagnosed back in August. I was trying to hold onto my normal life for as long as I could so I didn’t have to think about it.  Despite there being tests scans surgery and cancer treatment it will get easier as you start to become stronger and you accept things but take it one day at a time as you will become overwhelmed as you are trying to deal with your emotions, stress  and the numerous appointments and on how they will treat you. If you want a cry let it out it’s ok. When you get your treatment plan you will feel better as you know what they are going to do because waiting for results is the worst part as it’s not knowing what you are dealing with.  To try help my surgeon told me that breast cancer is really treatable and sadly it’s very common 1 in 8 get it now.  I am still being treated as having Radiotherapy at the moment and mine was hormone receptive positive which means the oestrogen hormone feeds the cancer cells to grow so I have been put on Tamoxifen (hormone therapy treatment it blocks hormones from attaching to the cancer cells). This is probably why they have taken you off the pill. 

    Have you had a biopsy yet? I had a MRI, CT scan, ultrasound and the biopsy in the beginning so they could understand more about the cancer. Then I had my surgery but everyone is different depending on what cancer it is and size etc. 

    Try not to stress even though that’s easier said than done as we have all been there. The main thing is you found it and will be on the roller coaster ride to become well again soon. 

    If times get tough shout out to us as someone will respond and understand how you are feeling. 

    Much love to you. Netty xxxx