post op infection feeling shattered !

  • 15 replies
  • 21 subscribers

Hi Ladies 

My recovery has been up and down but Thursday late afternoon (8 days post op) I started feeling chills then steaming hot took paracetamol but temperature went up called GP at 5.50pm reception told me to ring back at 8am! .. I then put the phone down and rang 111 as temperature was 39.3 an hour and a half after paracetamol and lots of cold water. Advised to go to local minor injuries to get wounds assessed but they would not treat me so off to A&E.... I haven't been a patient in A&E for 39 years so it was very bizarre...

Got to A&E at 7pm left after 11pm. Results so far show inflammation, wounds were checked doc was happy with them but my breathing has been very slightly wheezy which I 've never had before after 4 previous GA' s. I think he suspects chest infection..again i've never had one of those either lol!

I'm still hot 38 - 38.6 despite antibiotics, paracetamol and ibuprofen. Hoping the Antibiotics do their job soon. 

Breast unit will see me Monday if no improvement over weekend. It's so frustrating as I feel weaker now than first few days post op.... CryThermometer face xx

  • Oh no, I hope you are feeling a little better now? Xxx

  • Hi

    Temperature now 37.6 so antibiotics are starting to work just gotta give it time and chill whilst doing the gentle arm exercises and watching dvd's. I'm a mum of 2 so not used to putting my feet up, butFingers crossedother half is doing well so hopefully in a day or two I will be shot of this fever Fingers crossedThermometer faceFour leaf clover

    Enjoy your weekend xx

  • Hello Lovely, 

    I too had a infection after my surgery and developed a seroma which resulted in surgery again 3 weeks after the original op and can relate to how you feel. I remember feeling like I had flu with a temperature etc and completely drained. It put my recovery back a bit but I am ok now on the boobie at the moment. Sending you lots of hugs and hope that you start feeling better soon once the antibiotics start working. 

    Love Netty xxx

  • Hi ,

    How are doing now? Are you feeling better? x x

  • Just finished antibiotics still not right but breathing is easier. Apparently I have some seroma and also haematoma plus chest infection. I just got to keep an eye on these new lumps and bumps for aThinkingsign of infection / cellulitis but also keep doing arm exercises but not overdoing it Thinking

  • Hi Autumn, 

    exactly what I had but mine wouldn’t clear up on its own and my boob was very tender bruised warm and it hurt when I walked so I was taken back into surgery and in hospital for a few days on antibiotic drips. 

    I hope that you start feeling better soon but I understand how you feel. One thing I will say though is I felt better after my second op compared to my first. 

    Love Netty xxxx

  • Think the App is playing up! It won't let me start a discussion and just re joined me as a new member!!

    Seroma still sore 18 days post op and waves of fatigue but in between slowly getting there. 

    Get my post surgery results tomorrow morning so keeping everything crossed Fingers crossed

    Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend? 

    Best Wishes xx

  • Hi autumn49

    just wanted to say good luck for results  

    keep me posted what is what

    how is seroma? 

    I have too and whilst pain is easing it’s still there 

    do you know if you can apply heat or cold to help


    Tinker bell xx
  • Hi

    Got my post op results clear margins and Her2 negative.

    Clinic was running very late so I was numb from nerves & I didn't get to ask many questions as I did not want to hold up the ladies still Waiting for their results also just wanted to get out of there.. I was happy but drained. 

    I am now being referred to oncologist for their assessment told they should get in touch within 2 weeks.

    They told me my seroma should naturally absorb & reduce with time, keep doing exercises but not heavy lifting, haematoma may take longer to reduce especially as will be having radiotherapy in next couple of months.

    How are you doing? 

    Best Wishes 


  • Hi autumn 

    arghhh that’s fantastic news. You must be so pleased. I’m pleased for you. It’s a relief isn’t it. 

    If you think of anything please ask. But I get the whole shocked not knowing what to ask but it’s nice shock eh. 

    Are you having physio? I’m still under physio as not got full movement in shoulder etc which is due to seroma and cording. Hoping when I go tue she says I’m ok but I don’t feel ok so....... 

    can I ask if you know why you’re having radiotherapy. They haven’t told me if I will or won’t be having. I find out Monday xx

    Tinker bell xx