Treatment plan tomorrow

  • 5 replies
  • 19 subscribers

I’m at my wits end. I am due to get my results tomorrow following my mastectomy 2 week ago. 

I cant cope with any more needles or hospitals. I’m very anxious and needle phobic anyway. 

I’m not sure what il do if they say chemotherapy I think I will pass out. 

I cant sleep. I’m not sure I’m using this site right either I’m so muddled. 

  • FormerMember

    Hey there 

    I’m so sorry your in such a state and can’t sleep.  I can only imagine what your going through , I’m due to get my results tomorrow too but only from original biopsy I have been waiting two weeks and can empathise a little on the wait for results .

    sounds like you have handled it all amazingly well so far , you are so much stronger than you think and you can do whatever it throws at you next .

    keeping everything crossed you don’t need chemo .

    lots of love

    karyn x 

  • Hi Lady Tinkerbell, 

    I hear ya as I am the same have a needle phobia and I have never had so many injections, blood tests, IV lines and I was petrified that I could end up having Chemo.  I thought pregnancy was bad but this tops that. The only way I coped was deal with one treatment or test at a time and I didn’t as I had lots of meltdowns over the needles especially with my MRI and then putting the contrast in via needle. In the end my friend suggested getting someone to show me a video on their phone of my daughter or cats whilst looking away from what they were doing and that helped me get through the needle bit. My surgeon bless him said to me last week you should be use to the needles after everything you have been through and I said nope I will never get use to them.

    I Hope knowing that you are not alone on the needle phobia can help get you through this. 

    Love Netty xx

  • Hi ,

    I am so sorry you are feeling like this, it’s a traumatic time with having a phobia. I think Netty is right try to find something to distract you. I had to have chemo and took my phone with hundreds of photos of my children on it, it reminded me why I was doing it. 

    Wishing you the best of luck today, pls let us know how you get on. 

    Tina x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi  I managed to get through 6 months of chemo & blood tests by taking my kindle & just reading anything on that, holding it away from the nurses so I could try and ignore what they were doing as much as possible. It worked really well. The only times I did come close to passing out were when I'd thought I wouldn't need it for blood tests.  Distraction def works and explain to the nurses about hospital anxiety - they'll have seen it all before so will be helpful.

  • FormerMember

    Hi - I don't know if this will help, but I had a piccline inserted under a local anaesthetic - didn't feel a thing and the specialist nurse who carried out the procedure was outstanding.  I was then able to have all of my blood tests and chemo via the piccline so had absolutely no further injections throughout my chemo treatments. Whatever you decide, do speak to your oncology team about your anxiety as I'm sure they'll try every way they can to help you through. Best wishes