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Hi I was diagnosed with cancer on 20th March 19,  I have had a lumpectomy and completed 3 cycles of EC, and had very few side effects and was coping really well. then last Friday I started my first of 3cycle of Docetaxel treatments and they have completely knocked me out. I am soo tired and in quite a lot of pain, I have zero energy I just don’t know what to do with myself. Does anyone have any advice?? 

  • I had FEC - T and the T bit was definitely the hardest....was it because I’d already been through the FEC bit or the drugs themselves? I seem to remember being really knocked for six....extremely tired and having really achy legs! I got some better pain killers from the chemo ladies and that really helped. So make sure you ask for help. Chemo is a slog and, yes, I found it did get harder as I went through. More tired, more achy, and generally just had enough! I am now 6 months after my last chemo and am feeling a whole lot better....hang in there....take each day as it comes....and the quote I replayed “this too will pass”....good luck! Ps find a really easy read book.....I reread Harry Potter...I knew the stories so it was easy to read and I could lose myself for an hour or two....

  • Hiya,

    You sound like you have been hit by the tax truck! I remember aches and pains all over -like I had been run over! My advice for next time is to get some strong painkillers and start taking them before the aches kick in (normally 2-3 days after T chemo). The aches may go after about day 8-10. I remember a really foul taste in my mouth when I had T, ice lollies and yogurt helped. 

    It won't be as bad next time because you know what to expect! And by that time you will be nearing the finish line.


    Gay xxx

  • Hi Galliegirl

    Thank you so much for your kind words, it’s helps to know that I am not just feeling sorry for myself and that other people have experienced the same symptoms. I will definitely get some stronger pain killers for next time. 

    Bamba xxx

  • Hi Gay

    i will definitely be getting stronger pain killers for next time, I have also had a horrible taste in my mouth, I’ll try your tip of ice lollies and yogurts.  

    I know I am so glad I only have 2 left, but not looking forward to feeling so low again. Your stories inspire me to keep going.

    Thank you


  • Hi ,

    Yes I pretty much sailed through EC, but for me Docetaxel was worse, I’d start with stomach cramps, around day 4/5, the pains in my legs were awful shooting pains, I didn’t sleep well, also aching legs and back, I did feel better by day 8/9.

    I tried my hardest to walk around as by the last chemo I could barely get out of bed, it was an effort just to go the the toilet. I got out of bed every hr to walk round even if it was for 5/10 mins just stretch my legs. 

    Im just over 3 months post chemo now and feel good. Hang on in,  you’re doing amazing x