BC and Asthma

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Diagnosied with grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma on 5th June  (HER2 positive ) 2.7 cm lump in my left boob & also in my lymph nodes under my arm  
Had breast conserving surgery on 24/6 and a breast reduction on the other side to even me up :)  Went from droopy DD to a perky C. All lymph nodes under left arm were removed.
Results from surgery were good margins were all clear and no cancer in right breast. Only in 1 out of 9 lymph nodes had BC.
I saw my oncologist on Wednesday so Treatment is starting on 8/8/19  having  six courses of  chemo, (consisting of 3 x FEC followed by 3. Docetaxel. herceptin will start with 4th chemo and continue every 3 weeks for a year.

Took an infection in both breasts 2 weeks post surgery which was agony but antibiotics kicking in and thankfully feeling a lot better think it was nipped it in the bud   (now healing well and I’m beginning to like my new boobs alright) 

Just finding I’m on a rollercoaster of emotions sometimes I’m “Fine“ frequently  I’m not. Really struggling about facing the hair loss bit and absolutely dreading chemo. I have bad asthma and really worried how chemo will affect it.
Anyone else suffers with bad asthma like me ?? 
  • Hi there Macaroons,.

    It sounds like we are similar apart from the HER2 status and grade. I had a similar sized tumour with clear margins,  they initiallly thought my nodes were clear only had sentinel ones checked with mastecomy.  I then had a second level 3 surgery to remove the rest.  Only 1/11 were positive.

    I'm 8 days into my first EC chemo and have suffered from ashma all my life,  which can be triggered to become quite bad.  I also have issues with taking steroids as I have an allergic reaction to them (even my brown inhaler makes me pee every 15 minutes after one puff!) and dexamethasone is given before and for the first few days of each cycle. Red dye is a bad ashma trigger for me,  and the E is so pink it stains your pee red  (only on thr day in my case). The steroids worked for me and I was fine for the first couple of days the chemo rs cleaning my system. On day 3 my temperature started spiking between 37.8-38.5c and my face went red,  so i had to go to A&E. I'd no infection and bloods were normal,  but my oncologist thought it was an allergic reaction,  possibly to the steroids. Day four was terrible as the nausea kicked in, and is been a bit up and down since then,  but my ashma has been fine. 

    I'm sure that your hospital have experience giving chemo to people with ashma, and you will be well- supported through it  I called the emergency  number on Saturday as I had more issues.  I was given suggestions and he said he'd call back 6 hours later to me. I then mentioned a symptom I'd forgotten to say (tingling in my lower legs) and hr changed it to four hours instead of six. 

    Good luck:))

    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,