Bone scan fear

  • 2 replies
  • 18 subscribers

I am having an isotope bone scan this week after a few months of back pain. The GP referred me because of my history of primary breast cancer 11 years ago - WLE, FEC, Rafa and 5 years of Tamoxifen. I am going mad thinking the worst. I don’t know how to get through the waiting time without getting hysterical.

  • Poor you. How long to you have to wait for it? Bone scans also show up other issues. I have a damaged segment in my spine after a fall, then worsened by a Thai massage my husband bought me as a birthday treat (!) and that showed up. I had mine as one of the staging scans my hospital gives when any nodes are positive. It was only 3 weeks after my mastectomy, so that showed as this pale grey strip across my left beast where the wound was healing as it's looking at areas of faster growth.

    They will give you an injection of a radioactive gamma solution. You then have to drink lots of water and wait a few hours for it to reach your bones. The scan is really pretty if you see it, but at the same time terrifying! I spent the 30 minutes of so with my head cranked round looking at the screen! When we were done the radiologist told me she did about 30 a week linked to the breast cancer clinic at my hospital and a couple of smaller hospitals who didn't have the scanner. I asked how many were positive for spread and she said on average about 2-4 a week, but everyone thinks they're going to die! Good luck, and I hope that it's soon as the wait is horrendous. x

    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Londonmumof2

    Thanks so much for your reply, Londonmumof2. The scan is later this week but I don’t know how long the wait for results will be. It’s hard to stay busy and not dwell on the worst case scenario. How long did you have to wait for results?