
  • 3 replies
  • 18 subscribers

HI everyone. I am just writing on behalf of my sister who has breast cancer and it has also gone in to her liver. She is only 31. She became pregnant whilst on chemo which most of you will know is very rare. The treatment she was having was working before she got pregnant but then she decided to have the baby and now they will not fund her for the same treatment. She has been on other treatments but they are not working and the cancer is getting worse. Has any one else come across this before and is there anything we can do?  thanks

  • FormerMember

    Hello first can i welcome to the online community, none of us really want to be here, whatever the reason but it is excellent for support. Congratulations on becoming an Auntie. 

    What a sad situation you're in but your sister is so lucky to have you supporting her. I can't really help with the question about the funding but try posting this in the Breast Cancer Group there are more people in there who may be able to help. 

    There is also a family and friends group that you may find helps you if you ever need to speak to others in a similar situation to you.

    Good Luck and i hope it all works out for you all xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you so much for your reply. It’s much appreciated. It’s a tricky situation. Yes I will try that group. Take care xx

  • Hi @Lyons_83,

    So sorry you are going through this. Cancer is hard enough to deal with without this added pressure. 

    Maybe try ringing McMillan, who may have advice on this. If you have a Macmillan centre near by, pop in and explain this situation to them. They are so helpful. 

    Legally I don’t think there is much you can do unfortunately or I’d suggest legal advice. I recently had chemo and remember signing a consent form for treatment which did state something about not become pregnant.

    Please also check if your sister has any insurance regarding critical illness. 

    Best wishes x