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  • 18 subscribers

Hi guys I am looking for a bit of advice and hope you lovely ppl may be able to help put my mind at ease.   I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer in January 2017.  I had a lumpectomy followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  I was due to start Tamoxifen however, after a couple of weeks had to stop taking them as they were really affecting my mental health.   For the past week and a half I have been suffering headaches that are wakening me up through the night, it's also there when I wake up in the morning a painkiller will take it away for a couple of hours and then it returns.  You're probably asking yourself why I am not going to the doctor and the short answer is I'm terrified that they will tell me that the cancer is back and has spread to my brain.  I know I sound quite neurotic right now but I am not one for suffering with headaches so I am very anxious.... which probably isn't helping the headaches.  Am i just being silly?  Could it just be anxiety.  I know I won't know unless I go to the doctors but I am absolutely terrified. 

Thanks for reading guys.

Kirsteen x 

  • Hi Kirsteen 78 welcome to the forum.

    I am so glad that the treatment is past for you thats good news. I think we are all a bit like you when things happen to us after a Cancer diagnosis and we get scared but thats all the more reason to see your GP sooner as they can put your mind at rest.

    This could be anything it could be from your neck if you have lain awkwardly in bed, it could be to do with your eyes if you need glasses or it could as you say be related to the anxiety or your blood pressure could be higher than maybe it needs to be. None of those things are Cancer but the only way that you will know for certain what the cause of these headaches is is to go see the GP and soon and put your mind at rest. 

    You are not being silly in the least and it can be scary when things happen to us and we cant understand what is happening  to us.

    Please come back and let us know how you get on as we will be thinking of you--- now make that GP appointment!!!!!!!

    Sending some huge big hugs meantime. xxxxx 


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to GRANNY59

    I finished treatment January 2018 and I’ve just wrote the same sort of story on this forum Cry I’ve also been suffering headaches for the last 7days waking me up and continuing throughout the day just more to my right temple! I’ve to been thinking brain mets....

    sam xx

  • Hi everyone lovely to hear from you though sorry you have this worry. I'm no expert but as a migraine sufferer and general headache person I knew this would be a major issue for me going forward. When I get headache now naturally i worry but from googling it seems if it was sinister there would be other symptoms  Dizzy spells sickness and pins and needles in limbs  Hope it helps a bit but if course gets it checked if needs be for reassurance xxxxxx

  • Hi - and

    I agree with GRANNY59 and Optimistic - this could be anything, but the best person to help is your GP. I am the same as everyone else and I am now at my GP for every little thing - they are VERY understanding and send me to get everything checked out because they know I need peace of mind. We had a guest oncologist in the Ask an Expert section once and of course everyone was asking about secondaries and recurrence. I remember his advice was - anything unusual and persistent, get it checked out. I asked my surgeon how long I should leave things I was worried about and he said if things didn't change in two weeks it was reasonable to go to my GP. 

    Let's imagine none of us had been through a cancer experience - how long would we put up with a recurring headache? Probably not very long. Deep breath, be brave and get it sorted because it's a headache and you want to know what is causing it so you can deal with it and not have a headache Wink

    Tell us how you get  on


  • Hi.  I've just had my 3rd cycle of chemo and over the past 5 days I've had a cracker of a headache.  I did get headaches before the cancer and starting the treatment, but never that lasted over 5 days (and still going).  I do know however that I have a lot of tension in my neck which is contributing to this.  Previously I used to put a pillow at the back of my neck, take two pain killers, lie in a dark room and try to focus on relaxing each part of my body starting with my toes and going up to my head - it needed a good 20 minutes of quietness, but that helped a lot.  You may find that the more anxious you get the worse your headaches may seem - try to find a way to break the cycle.

    Good luck

