Microblading eyebrows after chemo

  • 13 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi everyone 

Iv been wondering if anyone has had eyebrows micro bladed after chemo my eyebrows have not grown as they should I know shud appreciate even getting this far but I can't b pencilling them in for forever I have tried alot of things for eyebrows the wonderbrow, maybelline eye tatoo but find it lasts few days only - I'm goin away for 10days and doing alot of water activities I am researching microblading as it looks very positive and alot of people have had done I'm just scared I hope it doesn't give me more issues.

  • Hi Aneesa 1

    I haven't, but I remember a thread about this before but the people who spring to mind don't seem to be on the forum much these days.

    Mine are still horribly sparse a year after treatment but I am happy with pencil and powder for now. I think the technique is good - it's more a case of finding the right person - as with anything I suppose.

    I found this thread from a year ago in the main breast cancer group - you could try posting there too - it's a bit busier.

    Sounds like you are in for a fun 10 days - how lovely!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ronstar

    Sorry to sound dim, but hat is microblading?

  • FormerMember

    Hi I got mine semi tattooed before chemo and the lady that done it said for me to go back six months after treatment is finished for her to do them again. Not sure if this is the same as microblading. 

    Kerry. X 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Im sure I read that you shouldn't get any tattoo or microblading for 6 months after chemo although I don't know the reasons for this. I would ask your nurse to be sure. You can get really good stick on ones online that you wash and re-use. Good for everyday but not sure about the water sports. Good luck and let us know if you get an answer. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I got microblading (= semipermanent tattooing) before chemo and a touchup during chemo. I love it, but it was expensive.

    If you want it done you'll probably need your oncologist to say you're well enough to have it (in writing) to the person doing the microblading - as it's cutting the skin, exposure to bugs etc might not be good for you at this time.

    If the person doing the microblading doesn't ask for the OK from your onco that would worry me a lot!

    It heals over in a week or so but you can't get it wet in that week.

    Good luck with your decision.

  • FormerMember


    I had my eyebrows microbladed before i started chemo. They look great at the mo (im on T part of my treatment now). They did say not to have them done if you are going abroad in the next couple of weeks as the sweat,water etc can push the pigment out of the skin and effects wont be as good. The same goes for sweating in the gym and exposure to the sun. Aftercare is batheing them 5times daily for 1st week in cool boiled water, then apply vaseline to stop them drying and scabbing over and loss of pigment. Definitely check with your doctor first due to risk of infection. Overall im so happy with mine, its one less thing to worry about in morning ! Hope this helps xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi i had my eyebrows microbladed a few days ago. The lady i went to had been recommended by a friend as she does a lot of breast cancer ladies . She charges half price (£150 instead of 300) so still expensive but i felt it was worth it to feel more confident through chemo. 

    I start chemo in a week so wanted them healed over in time. Shes familiar with the chemo cycle and has asked me to go back in 8 weeks for my next lot as it has to be done in stages.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Ahh I see, thanks guys.  I've had second chemo, due to see doctor in couple weeks, so might ask if he advise it or not, could you send me the details in add please, Milton Keynes one is nearest for me.  

    I draw mine on atm but maybe this is another option.  

    Also what about eye lashes girls, anyone loose all theirs or some and get falsely on? Any advice please. 

    Cheers x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I lost all mine which made my eyes water a lot. If i was going out i put eyeliner along the top so you didn't notice it as much. You could apply the false ones but I'm no good at it so didn't bother. I probably would have rubbed them off any way. 

    Kerry.  X 

  • Would def hold off on microblading until after your holidays.I was considering microblading when my cancer returned for the second time and lost my eyebrows etc..And I know how frustrating it is trying to pencil them in when you have little to no eyebrows.I found getting my eyebrows tinted was the best thing because the tint catches on to even the small hairs and definds your eyebrow shape.Maybe try that,then you wouldnt have as much penciling to do.Enjoy your holidays,always lovely to have something to look forward to.xx

