MDT meeting

  • 4 replies
  • 10 subscribers

I had a biopsy and spoke with the receptionist at the doctors who told me that there was going to be a mdt meeting what does this mean? Il so confused and scared 

  • .Hi Kel41 welcome to the forum. They do love to give us all these abbreviations and not always explain them for us .

    An MDT team meet  is a multi- Disciplinary Team meeting which means that all the people who need to be involved in your care will be at that meeting. Then everyone knows whats is happening  for you and what the plan is moving forward if that makes sense. Most if not all results get discussed further at these types of meetings  if thats of any help? xxx  


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  • Thank you for replying to me, the receptionist was under the impression that I had received a copy of the letter which I hadn’t. She then realise stopped talking and gave me the number for the breast clinic to talk to someone there but I can’t speak to anyone until tomorrow. Does this mean they have found something? Xxx

  • Hi Kel41 Im sorry I hadnt seen your response until now and Im thinking that you may have been or heard from the clinic by now and wondered how you had gotten on.? xxx


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  • Hi I hope you ok, I rang the breast clinic on Friday they wouldn’t tell me much just said they the meeting was being held in the afternoon and that someone would be in touch. I’m still none the wiser, I just want to no now as this waiting is so draining but thinking no news is good news maybe but then thinking do I just prepare myself. I’m just an rollercoaster of emotions. Do you no much about these meetings?