Breast Cancer, BRCA2 and Olaparib treatment

  • 12 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hello Everyone,

I'm not sure if Olaparib has been discussed on this forum but thought I would share my experience in case it can help anyone.

A little bit of background, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Grade 3 Breast Cancer in 2021. I went on to have Breast-conserving surgery to remove a tumor, 15 lymph nodes, 11 with cancer cells, and a DCIS. Followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy - so the works basically!!

My sister had the same cancer 10 years earlier before she turned 40. But was not offered genetics testing - hindsight is a wonderful thing but it would have meant I may not have had to go through cancer and the treatment. 

I was very fortunate that my oncologist - an amazing woman - referred me for genetics testing. The results came back as BRCA2 variant positive, which was a relief as I could stop wondering what part of my very normal and boring lifestyle had caused it! Subsequently, my sister has been able to have the test and is also BRCA2 variant positive.

My breast surgeon and oncologist were able to get me on a 12-month course of Lynparza Olaparib. I am coming towards the end of this treatment with just 6 weeks to go. For those of you who have not heard of this, it is a drug that sits within the chemotherapy family as an adjuvant treatment. It helps to prevent future cancers, hopefully and Macmillan have further information. 

My consultants have all been very insistent that this is the drug that will prolong my life!  I am due to have ovaries and fallopian tubes removed, along with a double mastectomy - all my choice to be doubly sure that I have done everything I can to prevent any future cancers. I would not wish chemotherapy or radiotherapy on anyone. 

I would be interested in anyone else's experience of Olaparib and am very happy to answer any questions regarding my treatment.

I wish everyone well and a happy and healthy future.

J xx

  • My best friend is having her surgery on 13th Dec, she has been having chemo since July, she has struggled with everything all the way through it. Just had an MRI which shown anothe rlump appear between her breasts which trhe surgeon has said they cant get when she is going through the surgery, I dont know why!

    I do know she will be on a drug for prevention once the radiotherapy is over etc, which one I dont know. I have just asked her.

    It is very interesting though what you have said and I will definitely mention this to her 

    My best friend is BRCA2 pos and has to have a hysterectomy soon to. This poor girl, she is only 35. I would swap places in a heartbeat 

    Good luck to you and I love your outlook. My friend is very strong but all these hurdles and setbacks arte getting her down 

  • Hi Hel39

    Thank you for asking. She is going through the process of operations. But we are trying to get her Infront of an oncologist to discuss olaparib or any other treatments. I spoke with a consultant who is working specifically on BRCA patients and he seemed to suggest they are actively looking for women like us to trial Olaparib. Did your oncologist tell you that you can't have olaparib? I'm not sure where they are with it. Personally, I can't understand why there has to be a window! When you research what the drug is supposed to do it shouldn't be dependent on when you had cancer.... maybe that's just me not understanding the drug properly. 

    Always worth asking the question though! 

    I'm in the process of getting operations to reduce risk at the beginning of 2024, I'm sure they'll put you on the same track. I just think risk management now is all I can do.

    Take care and I hope you find some answers.