How can I best help my mum?

  • 2 replies
  • 27 subscribers

My dad died in August. My mum who is 86 is finding things very hard. She has come to stay with us over Christmas, which has been nice, she may come to stay permanently if that’s what she wants to do. But it’s the times when I find her crying that are heartbreaking. How can I best help her? I don’t want to smother her or overly ‘molly-coddle’ her too much. She is physically disabled with limited mobility, but fairly independently minded. Dad however used to do a lot for her, so she is dependent on my sister and I for many things now. Is there anyone in a similar position can advise me how I can best help her get through this? Whilst we deal with our own grief too. 

  • Hi,

    So sorry to hear that your mum is struggling. Her tears are understandable, a natural part of the grief process.

    Just when we think we are having a relatively good day something will act as a trigger... a certain smell, a tune, a word that will suddenly evoke memories of our loved ones.

    I have no magic words of advice, just encourage your mum to voice her memories if you can see it helps her. Chat to her and ask if she wants to talk about your dad. For some people it helps enormously but for others it is too distressing. Honesty and communication can go a long way to easing pain and inner turmoil and remember that there will be times when your mum just needs to sit and let out her pain by having a good cry. 

    I am much further along the grief road, yet memories still 

    flood back in certain situations. The hardest thing for me is when people try to avoid mentioning my husband, changing the subject if his name is mentioned. 

    I wish you and your mum well...


  • Thank you. Very helpful. x