Online Blogs

  • 3 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Has anyone on here started their own blog?  Did you put your name out there or keep it anonymous?

I recently started a blog online ( - if anyone would like to check it out) and i must admit, i have found it so theraputic sharing my story.  No family or friends know i am writing so i can say what i want without offending anyone.  Ive changed out names but the story is ours.

I am hoping that someone may stumble across it and find that it helps them.  i felt so along during our journey, like no one else understood.  Things i was feeling felt so wrong - but i found out later from communities like this that they are all so common.  If my blog can help one person not feel alien or alone then sharing my story has been worth it.

  • Thanks for sharing your blog. 

    It's a horrible surreal experience we have passed with our loved ones, and unfortunately those of us here understand all you have suffered and also value all that care dedication and love you gave to your husband even if it ended up being a practical list and sheer stamina and determation to do your best 

    It was insightful for me

    . I think it's such a shocking experience it's probably good to properly acknowledge. In my case it's quite slow. I have coped by avoidance and tentatively reflecting on the past. 

    There's no answer. But only shared experience and empathy 

  • Hello 

    Just started to read your blog. Wow ! It is powerful stuff. Such love for Eric comes through it. I am so sorry for your loss but you have put things so well in relating all this to us and with such sincerity and above all LOVE. 

    I shall continue to read it, a small bit today, quite emotional now.

    Love and hugs 

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Thank you so much for sharing that!  A lot of what you wrote I can resonate with. Especially going to the hospital appointments and your husband saying everything was `OK` whereas you knew different. My husband was never much of a one for absorbing information either but in a lot of ways I think that can be a `male thing` in general. I was, as he used to put it `the brains in our outfit` and anything in authority he always seen as `my department`. Yes you practically got on first name terms with some of the doctors specialists you seen that much of them throughout the `cancer journey`. He finally passed from his bowel cancer in June this year been five months and it has gone so quick but feels that bit longer? He fought for almost two years but at the end with sepsis thrown into the mix this just finished him. Yes I too felt more like his carer than his wife at the end but it was something I wasn't phased by. My first Christmas in 40 years without him it will be hard but will make an effort the make the best of it. Best Wishes to you. Look forward to your `further installments` if you continue with this.Blush. Bless You!
