People have Short Memories..

  • 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I think I am probably one of the long-time members on this group. Certainly not the longest, but it has been three years since I lost my husband.

I have quietly marked anniversaries and birthdays, lighting candles in a variety of Cathedrals, Abbey's, Churches. I've scattered a handful of ashes in various places relevant to my husband. I've created no distressing scenes, no sobbing, no maudlin in front of others. Just me and my positive memories, quietly remembering the happy times. 

But, it seems to others, if I speak my husband's name it has become a signal to promptly change the subject. Rarely, if ever do others speak of him.

Do they think there is a set time to grieve? Am I supposed to be 'over it'? Is it considered bad manners to speak of the dead once an acceptable 'grief period' has passed? 

I remember three years ago when my husband died,  the messages people wrote to Him, statements  saying "We will never forget you.." or "Thinking of you every day and always will " 

To me, they also wrote messages  "Anything you need, just ask" or  "Always here for you...".  

In reality, I've realised that although they may have genuinely meant it at the time.. for them it's yesterday's news. Done. Finished. Sad, but get over it. 

If only it was that easy. Grief is raw, grief is forever. We simply become masters at learning to hide our feelings, to say nothing, to tell no one. 

You have to live it to know it.

  • Dear Polka 

    That totally resonates with me too. Unfortunately for us.We do mask the grief to others. I am sure many people think I am fine but in reality in the privacy of my own home I often break down in tears. Being a stoic Scot though, I get on with it. Minute by minute. Gosh,  grief is exhausting.  There is not much choice ? A second Christmas looming up. The run up to it all I think is worse. The actual day will come and equally go, whatever we do. Was asked again was I bored ? That has never been a problem for me. People just look at me trying to understand but they just don't get it. I am fed up with some people really and lack of thought. Trying to avoid them.

    Your posting was very quietly putting things in context as to how it actually is for most of us now. 

    Thank you 

    Hugs and more

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • I don't know if you do `get over it`. I am only 5 months in since my dear husband Jay passed from bowel cancer back in June so I'm not really an expert on that. I just read what others have spoke about here some do `get over it` and some don't some like yourself are still there years down the line. Yes I have been wearing `the mask` a lot recently. I try to keep myself as occupied as much as possible but still have this horrible empty feeling inside me as if I still have a lot of grief bottled up waiting to explode. I am looking into some bereavement counselling I hope will help. Yes the grief is raw I thought I was doing ok but now I don't think I am so much although I probably look fine to everyone outside and everyone is saying `I'm doing amazing` etc because I have just gone through a second bowel cancer diagnosis with my sister she is doing ok though and is expected to make a full recovery so at least something  good has come out of all this. It's just been a horrible year altogether for me it's been a horrible 18months/2years from having to go through Jay's journey with him which didn't have a happy ending. At one point he was in remission but only for a couple of months before the cancer decided it was coming back for him and this time was taking him. I'll try my best to make an effort for Christmas this year- my first without him in 40 years I feel I need to do this for our little granddaughter. Last year was a write off because he became really ill around that time with the new treatment regime he was put on which in the end had to be stopped due to kidney damage. I wish you all the best on your journeys going through this. Take Care
