as time goes on.

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  • 34 subscribers

I was just wondering how any of you recently bereaved people where getting on.  it is nearly 6 weeks now since my husband died, after 52 years  together, looking back the first week did not seem as awful as now.  so much legal stuff to sort out, which I did with family help, the cremation, and now we have his ashes back, and waiting for the family to   all be here, then we are scattering his ashes from the local Lifeboat...  I  make myself take the dog for a walk everyday,  when my husband was alive, we would take her in the car, much further, and she would run and run on the beach, but at the moment I  do not feel confident to drive very far, I am not a bad driver, and have driven in lots of different countries, but the confidence is low at the moment, and the quietness in the house is awful, plus I  seem to have developed a sick sore feeling in my stomach along with slight head-ache, which does not seem to want to leave me. I had started to do 'on line' shopping, because I  can't bear the thought of meeting people who either do not know he has died, or they do , and just want to say how sorry they are.   I had lots of cards and messages saying ' if you need anything just ask'  but you don't do you?  I know I can't change things, but sometimes I wish he had taken me with him, my family are grown up with their own lives and the last thing I want to be is a 'burden' thank the lord for our lovely dog,  she loves me, but she worshipped my husband, and even she has started to howl at night, but I look at her and I  think ' keep going you, for her sake, if not your own'   yes, I know it is early days, but they are very long lonely ones.   god bless you all, we MUST carry on our loved ones would not have wanted anything else.