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My husband of 21 years died nearly 3 weeks ago, of melanoma, aged 53.  Now I’m a widow aged 49.  He had a mole removed 2,5 years ago and then had the all clear.  He had no drig follow up as he also had a heart problem and the oncologist advised that the risks outweighed the benefits.  Then, see ingly suddenlly, in early October, he got Ascites (swelling of the stomach).  He went to get scanned and they found the cancer had returned with a vengeance including in his stomach linings, which was causing all the fluid build up.

After that I watched him as he went downhill, having his lifeblood drained out into various bags, taking treatments, suffering side effects and them not working, becoming unable to walkand drive, then getting pneumonia, being covered in wires and reliant on oxygen, pumped full of drugs. Discovering the cancer had taken over his lung and finally watching him die of pulmonary failure unable to breathe.  This has all taken place over a 3 month period and during thT time I have had to be brave and reassuring, look after everything, tell my 15 yo daughter that life will get better.  I gave my husband massages, reiki healing and back scratches and finally helped him pass over. He would open his eyes and look for me.  The nurses in the hospital were all crying as they could see the love we had for each other.  

And now I feel traumatized.  I keep replaying the last three months and particularly the last few weeks before his death in my mind.  It was just so heart-breaking.  I try to console myself that Idid everything right.  He was very brave until the end and said he wasnt scared. But no-one should die like that right? Xx.  

  • I am so sorry for your loss and the trauma you have had to go through. My wife passed on 3rd December after a short but brutal battle with glioblastoma - I won’t repeat my story here but by all means read through my profile where I talk about it. But needless to say, I know how you feel. It is just an awful shitty disease that just destroys lives indiscriminately and now im trying to work out how I will ever go on with my life. Take care x

  • I am sorry that you're husband has died and that you find yourself dealing with the shock and trauma of the loss.

    My husband died on 10th October, only 25 days after diagnosis and we too both went through so much in such a short space of time.

    I understand your pain. It is a disease that rips us all apart and all of us on this forum support each other as much as we can.

    You did everything you could for your husband and I am positive he knew just how much you loved him.  He would have taken such comfort from the care and love you showed him right until the end.

    Please keep reaching out. We are here to listen whenever you need help, if you need to vent or feel so lost that you don't know where to turn.
