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I'm finding weekends so hard!

It will be 7 weeks on Monday that I lost the love of my life, my grief is still so raw.

I have two young girls and I find weekends so difficult,  I find myself consistently looking where he would sit, how he would be so engrossed in football and I would always say don't know why we always have to watch this rubbish! What I wouldn't do watch that rubbish again with him. I would watch it all day everyday if I could have him back!

Weekends were always family time, I find it hard to watch the programmes we would watch as a family but know I have to for my girls. I make a point of going to see my in-laws on a Sunday but even that is hard as it's his parents and he should be there!

My young girls are understanding at the moment and are happy to be home but I feel guilty and I know my husband wouldn't want us sitting in but I'm still at the stage where I just want to be home and not see happy families out having fun. Don't get me wrong I want people to have fun I just don't want to see it as it should be us having fun.

Why was my husband taken away so young?

Why do my children not grow up with their daddy?

Why is life so cruel?!!

  • Hi Dru,

    7 weeks is still very early, I'm only 13 weeks since I lost my big man, Andy. I hear what you are saying, weekends are hard, as are the evenings I find, so very long and too much thinking time

    Not football for Andy but police chases and antique programmes - urgh! I can't watch anything like that now.

    My Andy was eventually diagnosed in May 2022 but he was in much pain for 5 months before then and passed away 3 October 2022 - I had to do everything around the house as well as working full time and looking after our lovely rescue dogs & kitty (we didn't have children) back then being able to sit down for 5 minutes with a book would of been bliss - now having very long days on a weekend to read I actually don't want to. Same as you I would give anything to have him back watching the rubbish and running round like a loon until I dropped.

    It must be hard for you having the girls to try and keep going for too but then a good distraction I guess.

    Life is only cruel to the best people I've come to try and get my head round - so many evil people seem to just stroll along merrily.

    I can't answer your questions I'm afraid, I too ask the same why my Andy at only 53???

    Big hug to you xx

  • Hi

    If only we could have old life back, I think it and say it every day, life's not fair. I would watch any of his rubbish just to have Rob back.

    I also wonder why is it the good ones? Rob was 54. 



  • If only eh! 

    sorry you lost your Rob so young too x

    I used to be a big believer in everything happens for a reason but I can’t get my head round a reason for this painful heartache, wouldn’t wish it in my worst enemy.

    C x