Feeling Lonely

  • 4 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I lost my husband five weeks ago and I feel so very lonely, he worked from home so we were together all the time. We have two young girls but they spend most of their time in their rooms 

I struggle to leave the house and all I do is sit and cry.

People were always checking in at first but that has now stopped, maybe they just don't want to hear how upset I am and how much I'm struggling. Just don't know what to do!!

  • Loneliness is one of the hardest parts of our loses.  This is very new for you and it's been Christmas too. 

    Just take it a day, an hour or even the next minute at a time.

    Take care

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Dru

    From your replies on one of my posts we are on very similar journeys. It’s now coming up to 4 weeks on Saturday that my wife passed and I am exactly the same - very lonely and just on and off with tears from the minute I wake up and realise she’s not in bed next to me to the moment I go back to bed and she’s not there to kiss goodnight. 

    My days since she passed have been spent just wandering aimlessly around the house and sitting on my sofa watching television to try and take my mind away from crying, but our two boys also spend most of their time in their rooms too. It’s so so hard. 

    I think coming on here to vocalise our feelings can certainly help in some small way, but nothing can fill the massive holes that have been left in our lives. 

  • Thanks for reaching out!

    Christmas was the worst it was also his birthday so made it even harder.

    I'm just trying to get through one day at a time.

  • I guess it's just a normal part of grief, even though I know I will miss him forever! How do you ever get over the love of your life?

    I know he isn't here but I still talk to him all the time, my youngest daughter every night shouts night daddy I love you loads and everytime I cry because it breaks my heart that he doesn't get to see his girls grow up.