My first Christmas without him for 41 years

  • 6 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Somehow I got through it. I found Christmas Eve the worst. I sat and watched the programmes we would have watched together and had a glass of sherry and a mince pie just as we used to. I felt very sad and somehow the reality of never seeing him again really hit home. On Christmas Day I worked from 7.30am until 3pm so luckily I was too busy to dwell too much. The afternoon and evening I told myself it was just another day. We didn’t really celebrate new year anyway so I’ll just go to bed as normal. The thing that is really upsetting me is the fact it will not be 2022 anymore. He was here for the first 3 months of this year but next and subsequent years I will spend without him and it makes him seem a little further away. Anyone else have this feeling? On 3rd January it will be our 42nd wedding anniversary. That’s going to be tough.
My thoughts are with everyone on this group that none of us wanted to join xx

  • It's a feeling that is common at New Year, feeling you are getting further away from them.  I too just go to bed but the fireworks and boats in the harbour can be very noisy. 

    Best Wishes 

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • I found myself getting through Christmas better than expected although there were tears later at night.

    New Year could be different. The idea of the next year being more hopeful given we hoped the same this time last year...

    It won't be a 'happy' new year and I struggle, for now, to grasp the concept.

    Take care,


  • Good evening,

    I got that feeling, from saying Rob died earlier this year, then saying died last year. In January it will be 2 years since he died. I still spent this Christmas remember our last christmas together, although he was doing ok, as ok can be when you are told you have only weeks not months to live and was on week 9. He spent the time sleeping, watching TV, cancelling things, selling car, making me lists and sorting to make things easier for me. But we were together that was all that mattered.

    Nearly 2 years and the tears are still flowing, I have good days and bad days. I managed Christmas better this year, still spent it just me and the dog, but didn't sleep it away.

    I am going on holiday for the anniversary of his death,  on my own not sure how I feel, each day I think about it, I feel different.

    Take care everyone 


  • Hi there, I too have just "got through" my first Christmas in 51 years without my beloved husband. I feel as if I just played a part in a film or something. He died very suddenly in September only 16 months after diagnosis. Friends and family say " well the first one is the hardest... " and I feel like screaming at them " if I live another 20 years EVERY Christmas will be impossibly hard". I know people mean well but why do they even think that next Christmas or the one after or ......... will be any easier.


  • Hi the first Christmas is the hardest when we loose our loved ones, my first partner the father of my children passed away 28 years ago in 1994 aged 32 from a massive heart attack while he was out one night,  leaving me to bring up our babies who at the time were 8 years 6 years and a 2 year old , the first Christmas without my partner was horrible i cried nearly all of that day but tried to stay strong for my babies, and now here i am with my partner of 17 years who as been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with metastases so to say life is cruel is a understatement . 

  • Hi, I feel for you and yes, life is a real bitch sometimes. When I read of members of this community who have lost a loved one at such a young age as you did, then it makes me feel grateful that I had 44 wonderful years with my Lin. It just takes the edge off the pain that I still feel every day when I wake up and she is not there beside me.

    Stay strong and make the most of your time together. Enjoy each others company as much as you can.

    My thoughts are with you both.
