Lifestyle and Still Trying to Figure Out Why

  • 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I/we will never figure out why this has happened as there isn't really an answer.

I do however constantly consider the question. I won't be the only one with this scenario, far from it. My wife didn't smoke, drank very occasionally and even when did would very rarely go beyond three drinks, was careful about what she ate and exercised regularly. In essence, she did everything we are constantly told to do by the government and medical profession. And what did she get in return?

All the things we're 'advised' to do just don't add up a lot of the time. I really do wonder what the point is sometimes. 

Take care,


  • Hi

    It does make you wonder doesn’t it. It seems that with all the advances they are making in so many areas of science why is cancer still so prevalent? Is it on the increase or is it just that they are now better at diagnosing if not treating. Guess we’ll never really know 

  • I struggle with this too! My husband died in November from blood cancer he was only 41. We were together for 22 years and have 2 young children. He was fit and healthy and apart from the odd cold he had never been ill or to the doctor's. Then we were told if you are to get cancer his was the better one to have as was most cureable. Sadly that wasn't the case for him it was just to aggressive.

    I feel numb and empty and I'm not sure how I will go on without him, but I know I have to because of our girls. Life is so very cruel. So I feel your pain and I think we just have to take one day at a time.