What if????

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I am a believer that when someone passes away that they are in heaven with the rest of their family and loved ones that they have lost.Heart

I told Pete on his death bed that we would only be apart until l joined him.Broken heart

 This belief l have had since my dad died when l was 17 years old. But just lately l am getting really upset by my thoughts.Sob

What if my parents wont be there?Sob

What if my brothers and sisters wont be there?Sob

 But MOST fearful what if Pete is not there??SobSobBroken heart

I am in tears, l have always believed that we will always meet up together?Broken heartSob

I told Pete that on his death bed he will not have any more pain, no more hernias, no more stoma, no more pain, and l will be there with him.SobBroken heart

But what if he is not there when l go to him???Broken heartBroken heartSobSob

  • Hello

    You never need to apologise for a delay in replying. Everyone on this forum are going through incredible difficulties. A couple of months ago, I really thought I was managing better, more recently, I even started to feel more positive, but then suddenly, everything collapsed, spent the last few days crying on and off, even cried when I said goodnight to my Linda, which I’ve never done before. I think about death more lately, which is not good, I guess it depends on your mindset at the time. I miss my Linda more than anything in the world, I so hope we are reunited one day.

    take care of you x

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • I know what you mean, l used to be afraid of dying but now not so much, as l know that l will be with Pete. What weird and painful thoughts we all have., Grief is so callus that it cuts like a knife, where the wound never really heals .Broken heart

  • I know exactly what you mean, still can’t believe how terribly painful it is. Been a year and I’m not sure if I’m really that much better prepared for a life without Linda, than I was when she passed. Was looking through some photos of us on holiday in Cornwall, broke down in tears, asked her why she left me, I wasn’t ready to lose her. My every waking thought is of her, nothing else really matters. I get temporary moments, when I feel at peace and positive, usually when I’m with family. But these moments are always too short, and I’m usually much worse after. The feeling of emptiness is overwhelming. When I tell my kids how I feel, I get sympathy, with suggestions of joining clubs etc. maybe it will help, but that’s not what I want, I need my Linda back with me. I know my kids are suffering as well, but I don’t know if they really get what it’s like to lose a lifetime partner. I thought it would be similar to losing my parents, but there is no comparison, I even lost my sister to cancer a short while ago,( hadn’t seen her for many years & found out by accident ) I was sad, but it doesn’t occupy my every waking thought, as my Linda does. 

    please take good care of you x

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • It seems that all the same, heaven and hell exist, and you will definitely meet Pete in heaven. Although I didn't believe in God before, it seemed to me that these were all fictions. But then my brother suddenly died. This hit me hard. I didn't know what to do with myself until my friend called me to First Church Love. There I talked with the pastor, who explained that my brother is much more needed in heaven than on sinful earth. So I am sure that heaven exists and we will meet all our loved ones there.

  • Well it is coming up to three years for me this October,

    I have always believed there is some thing, what i do not know,

    Though about three weeks ago i had a dream, the first one that i have had with him it it since he passed.

    In the dream i walked into a hall that was laid out like a wedding reception buffet and on the left where chicken wings, and right had side, salmon parcels vivid 

    Standing right in the middle was my hubby, dressed in suit shirt and tie., he was the only one there.

    I walked up to him, one hand each side of his cheeks and said i miss you.

    He replied and i am waiting for you.

    It was so real, i woke up with a smile on my face and then a tear, i can still see him as i did in the dream, it brought me so much.contentment i have to say.

  • Hello

    thats so amazing, must have felt wonderful, I have had dreams about Linda, the first ones were when she was younger, but the the more recent ones are of her older, but these are upsetting, as when I try to talk or get close to her, she vanishes and I realise ( still in my dream) that she’s not here anymore so it can’t be real. Haven’t had any of Linda for a while, but I always write them down in my phone diary and can go back and relive them. Your dream sounds very special, thank you for sharing it 

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • I did debate about posting it,

    I cannot describe the feeling, it did cross my mind is that my wake, as i have incurable cancer and was diagnosed before him, i finished treatment 24th Dec 2018 and he got diagnosed on the 20th Dec 2018, bitter sweet.

    It was special and remember every bit and what we both said,

  • Let me tell you, you're not alone. Many people have these same fears and questions, myself included. And while we can't know for certain what happens after we pass on, I believe that faith and hope can bring comfort and peace. Have you checked out https://firstchurchlove.com? They have some great articles and resources on dealing with grief and loss, as well as exploring different beliefs about the afterlife. It might be worth taking a look. And remember, the love and connection you shared with your loved ones don't just disappear when they pass on.

  • Hi everyone its only been 3 weeks since I lost my partner  and I've been searching for answers where is he now Is their an after life ect .So when I read this thread  today I was so pleased .So desperately need  signs or something to know he's ok and we will meet again the thought that this life is all there is doasnt make sense to me it would be so cruel thanks for listening xxx