Wonderful memories bring so much pain

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I was flipping through what I had on the hard drives attached to my TV, found our holiday and days out pictures. I really should not have looked, but felt ok, and thought it was safe.
However, I looked at some pictures of a pilgrimage we made, with our church to Ely cathedral in 2016. The tears started at the very first photo, by the time I had finished I couldn’t stop sobbing. Took an hour or two to calm down. Really wasn’t the right time, for the past 6 weeks I have been tearful most of the day, after switching AD Meds.
I want to make a slideshow on my PC of our holidays, but I now fear that will have to wait till I’m in a much better place, hopefully my new AD will eventually start to help more.

I so want and enjoy looking through our photos together, places we have visited, strangely when I sorted all Linda’s photos out for her funeral, I didn’t get such a reaction as today, in fact I was comforted seeing all the fun places and times we had, but now it’s just too much, will have to be patient.

Last night I saw a new definition of Heaven & Hell, we were in Heaven while our partners were still with us, now we are in Hell

take care everyone

  • Hi Arthur, your human and feeling a loss, these things take time, I am about the four year mark for Adele passing away, I look at photographs of our time together and still morn her passing have a little weep , nothing wrong with that at all, after all we loved that other person and it’s not an easy thing to give up, no time limit of grief . But we are here and to celebrate of lost love ones life we must live our own to the full, as they cannot. 

  • Thank you

    The emotional pain is sometimes unbearable. The days seem so much longer now, since Linda passed.

    take care

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • I don’t think we really get over it, I had a wobble today nearly four years on, it’s life, it’s strange I learned a lot about myself from Adele’s death, it’s made me a better human being in so many ways. Non of it is easy, but as the years go by, the memories let you smile and laugh more, one day I hope you be able to watch your slide show of photos and smile at the memories. One day at a time my friend 

  • Thank you 

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Hi Arthur yes hell probably describes where I am right now. I have pictures of Ian on the wall but I’m not sure if it helps or not. As for AD meds I’ve been upped to the max. Also not sure if that’s helping either. Crying is good. Cry as much as you want. Like you I didn’t realise that grief is an actual physical pain. At least the pain let’s me know I’m still alive. 

  • Hello

    I don’t believe any of us truly realised how very painful grief would be, I certainly didn’t. Our home is full of reminders of Linda, from photos, furnishings, her precious ornaments etc. can’t bring myself to change of that, and have no idea when or if I’ll be able to. Even making lunch often brings me to tears, feel I should be making lunch for two Cold sweat

    like you I don’t know how much the AD are helping, when I was in Citalopram 20mg I believe I was starting to cope better, but as I had side effects, my GP put me on Sertraline 100mg telling me it was stronger and less side effects, from my research, neither is really true, it’s certainly not stronger. But the changeover has messed me up emotionally, been on Sertraline for 6 weeks, just hope it eventually gets me where I was before, hate feeling near to tears all day long, can’t function like that.
    we’re on a long and painful journey, one we never wanted to be on.

    PS my name is Keith, Arthur was what I used initially to create my account 

    thinking of you x

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories