Memories of your loved one.

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I have been trying to get the vivid memories of my husband Gareth in his last few weeks and particularly days out of my mind.I am finding that they are not so clear now,but I am still finding it hard to remember him as he used to be before he was diagnosed.I look at photos and videos but I struggle to remember him clearly.This is so sad, I know it is still early days,just three months since he passed away.I am getting stronger each day and learning to live and manage on my own but it almost feels like he never existed. I am having bereavement counselling and this is what I want to talk about in my next session.Has anyone else felt like this. I am hoping that when I can talk about him more with my sons without getting upset that we can rekindle those memories.

  • hi, it’s almost 6 months on for me and I still can’t picture Rob prior to the last few weeks of his life. i think about good times but he is just a hazy outline.   I couldn’t remember his voice even, my daughter had a video of him that popped up on her phone and she sent to me so I now have his voice which is comforting.

    I had counselling and asked about this and was told it’s ‘normal’ in the grief process. I just want to get beyond the last few weeks if his life and picture Rob in our life together.

    Love is eternal

    take care 

  • Thank you,it is reassuring to know that it’s not just me. I have some videos with Gareth in,but they are with our grandchildren,they are lovely but make me very upset at the moment.

  • I had a memory this morning and could actually see Rob in my mind.  It was the day that I found out I was pregnant.  Rob came in from a Chelsea game and we had lost.  He was so upset and as he went up the stairs I told him.  I can see in my mind the joy on his face.

    Lets hope the memories begin to come back and I can see him in my mind again.

    After this discussion yesterday I watched the video of him playing monopoly 2 Christmases ago, sad but very comforting at the same time.

    Live is eternal

  • I have just read your profile,it really upset me,there are a lot of similarities with Gareth.His cancer also spread into his spine and he had to wear a neck brace for the last four months because tumours had broken vertebrae in his neck.The end was terrible,only eased by him going into the hospice because we couldn’t manage at home.The hospice staff were wonderful.Sending love and hugs and let’s hope that good memories come back soon.

  • Thank you for your kind words.  Back to you


  • hi Alice45.  
    It is 4 months for me since my husband passed away, during the day I have photos and videos of happy times to look at and it is comforting to have these and to see him doing things he enjoyed and we enjoyed together …trouble is at night, when I go to bed, I can’t get the memories of his last 36 hours out of my head, it always distresses me and I am regularly crying myself to sleep.  I was doing ok but seem to have gone downhill lately, being on one’s own after 41 years isn’t easy as I’m sure everyone on here understands.

    Take care
    J x
  • Hello. 

    Tomorrow morning marks one year since my beloved died and my memories are all over the place and have been over the last week. Did I do enough? Did I try hard enough? Why did this happen etc etc etc. 

    My memories of Gordon are so real, so vivid and so comforting normally but this first anniversary is making me question everything. 

    I know now he’s never coming back and I’m so lost. 

    June x

  • I really feel for you and understand completely, I hope you get through the day with a sense that this is another milestone passed and you have made it and will continue to thrive - just as your loved one would wish you to do.

    Take care
    J x
  • Hi Alice45

    When my parents passed away 20 years between them, l went through a phase when l could not picture their faces, especially their faces, especially my dad as l was closest to him:(. I lost my husband Pete in October 2021 and for what ever reason most of the images of him in my mind are of when we were both 16, when we were courting. But as regards to my parents their faces cameback, to be honest l cannot remember how long it took but they came back. So have faith that Gareth will come back to you, maybe when he is ready or maybe when you are in a place to be ready. xxx