Is today ever going to end

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I thought I was doing better this morning, I took the plunge yesterday and had my first session with a psychotherapist.  I could feel myself sinking lower and lower and decided to try and do something about it rather than sitting there crying.  Did it help?  I don't think so to be honest.  Today just seems to be dragging, time just isn't passing, I can't be bothered to do anything.  Now I can't find my husbands ring, I have looked everywhere, turned the place upside down, I can hear him now, oh for gods sake you've gone and put it somewhere safe AGAIN!  As I'm sitting here writing this I have his t-shirt over my shoulder covered in his favourite aftershave, I just want bedtime to come so the day will be over.

  • I’m so sorry, I wish I had words to help but we all know there aren’t any. Within all the posts I read, there’s so much pain.

    You’ve only had one session, it may get better, it’s now 7:30pm, you’ll be able to have an early night soon and you know that bloody ring will be somewhere laughing at you.

    Be kind to yourself…..sending a big hug xx

  • I feel your pain. I’ve had a bad day too and sleep is not forthcoming. I’m laid here with the hubby my blanket had when he went to his forever sleep also sprayed with his aftershave
    I hope you are now fast asleep and your bad day has needed. 
    Tomorrow is another day and hopefully a better one for all of us 

    Take care 

    J x

  • Hi,

    I  totally get where you are coming from, when Pete died in October last year l could not find his wallet, l was getting frantic l looked everywhere. I had my sons look in his car, garage, as l could not bare to go into them places and still cannot now. I was really getting beside myself not because there might be money in it, but because it was Pete's and it had all his personnel things in x. I had looked about 3 times in his fishing bag, as the last time he went out was about 2 weeks before he passed. My youngest son Paul went and had a look in his fishing bag and there it was. When he brought it into me l just cried and cuddled him, because l really thought it was lost for ever like Pete:( xx As for the days dragging on l also understand, l sit just blank in feelings and mind  a lot of the time.

    I have had counselling in the past when l lost my mum, did l think it would help me No! especially with some of the things we spoke about, did it actually help me? Yes it did, not with the pain but with understanding how l was feeling at the time amongst other things.

    Do l think it would help me with Pete passing? No l don't think it would, and as for wanting bedtime to come l get it. Because we can close our eyes cuddle what ever it is that we have of our partners and dream of them/ think as if you are actually with them at that time:(

    I truly do understand as no doubt alot of other people on here do, sometimes in different ways but all our pain and loss are mirrored in one way or another.

    God bless you l wish all your pain and sadness could ease xx as silly as that sounds xx