First year anniversary

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  • 27 subscribers

Today is the first anniversary of Nic's passing.  It seems like only yesterday, but this past year has been the longest of my life waiting for and dealing with all of the firsts.  Nic died on a Monday and every one, apart from Christmas and new year, was on a Monday so it was challenging.

I thought I'd be a snivelling wreck today, but instead have spent the day in quiet contemplation of our 19 years together, good and bad.  I've achieved so much over the past year - Nic's probate, finalising his father's (he died 6 months before Nic) and sorting things out in the house and garage.  Nic was a hoarder and when I went through the garage I found multiples of things - unbelievably 80, yes 80, screwdrivers, 20 pairs of pliers etc, etc, etc.  Couldn't believe it.

All of this made me feel more connected to him than ever before as that was how he was.

I went to his grave earlier and put a lovely wreath and some flowers there.

Apart from the date of Nic's funeral there are no more firsts, so I'm now hoping to look to a future without him while still thinking about how he would want it to look.  He was very sentimental and didn't like change, but I have to sort the house out and hope that he would have agreed with my choices.

I've been spending most afternoons in bed the last couple of weeks, but I'm now going to make more of an effort.  He would be horrified at how I've been, and am, feeling.  I often think how he would be if it was me who had died and I know he would be struggling as well.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is light at the end of this awfully long tunnel, however long it might take to get there.

Best wishes to you all.


  • Well done to you Felicity...

    It sounds like you have begun to take tentative steps to control your grief rather than the other way round. The pain and hurt remains as raw as ever but in order to carry on,  there comes a time when we have to be strong and start the process of learning to live without our beloved partner physically alongside us.

    I do think all the 'firsts' underline the awfulness of our loss. Those feelings don't disappear but I do think we learn by them all, how to manage our bad days and to channel our loss into more positive ways.

    Good luck with your continued efforts to reorganise the house and garage and hopefully you can smile if/when you find screwdriver number 81.

    Take care x

  • Anniversaries are always very special. And all the firsts. You'll probably have more, not connected to dates, but to places or activities. I have slowly found that some of them are a bit less painful over time. They bring a sort of sweetness because Juliette's presence is stronger in those moments. We went to the seaside just for the day 2 weeks ago. Going to the seaside at that time of the year was something we'd learn to enjoy over the years and it was really a day dedicated to Juliette in many ways but it felt right for me and my daughters to go there just the three of us to embrace her presence fully.

    It's great that you use that time to also reflect on everything you have achieved. It feels like yesterday and a century ago at the same time. We won't ever be who we were before but I like to think that through our trauma we get better person with a richer sense of existence. (maybe it's just what I'm telling myself to feel less sad about it all)

    Take care xx
