just been watching the ITV program on Pancreatic cancer

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I wasn’t sure if I wanted to watch the program as Rob died of PC 8 weeks ago.  

There was lots about how good Liverpool Hospital is doing, this the same hospital that misdiagnosed Rob in May telling us he had diverculitis, We went private as we did not believe them and they found he was stage 4.

Really need an early detection cancer test, so many people pass too quickly 

  • I wondered how many people on here would see that programme Sleepyit must've been hard for those and yourself who watched their partners suffer Slight frown big hug for you chelseabluegirl x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • thank you and yes it was hard, once we were told it was terminal (2 months after diagnosis) Rob had 3 more weeks, he came home and we cared for him to the end.

    Ive signed up to Pancreatic Cancer UK as they are looking for people to assist with research one way or the other. If I can help in any way to find a test for this awful cancer then I will feel i’ve helped.  It won’t help Rob but if my daughter has the gene it might help her.

  • I think because many of us don't know about the cancer symptoms that is why it gets diagnosed at such a late stage.  My husband's Sarcoma started under his foot as a callus- who gets cancer of the foot???? FFS!!! 

    Tomorrow is another day
  • agreed, i’d never even heard of pancreatic cancer or what the symptoms were.  when I read up about it the only symptom Rob had had was the back ache followed by stomach cramps.  With Pc it takes approx 1 year to go from stage 1 to stage 4 and as they said generally there are no symptoms u til stage 4.

    move be we heard if cancer if the foot as well!!

  • sorry that last sentence made no sense!  flipping predictive, i’ve turned it off as well but still does it.

    What I meant to say us that I’ve never heard of cancer in the foot