Angry .. they are still letting him down

  • 4 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Some of you on here may recall my on-going complaint against the hospital that (mis)treated my husband.... 

It is 12 month since my husband died and I lodged my lengthy complaint on behalf of my husband who had asked me to do so prior to his passing away.

I've jumped through their hoops so many times and I was finally told last week that they wanted me to attend a meeting with all the various departments represented. The date was set... But today the very doctor I am complaining about most of all has decided it can't possibly be for at least another 6 weeks minimum as she wasn't given  enough notice!!!  I started the complaint September much notice does she need?  

I've just come off the phone with PALS and the lady has had to listen to my tears as I told her how all this is interfering with my grieving process.  

If they think I will disappear they are wrong... I am my husband's mouthpiece and I WILL have his serious complaints heard. 

Sorry for the rant but I know how some of you will understand my frustration!

  • FormerMember

    Hello Pooka,

    The words unreasonable and cruel comes to mind, how dare they, that’s so unfair.   I suspect the doctor needing another 6 weeks notice at least is a red herring it stinks. Another tactic at play.   It wouldn’t surprise me if hospital senior management, and the doctor concerned have already sat around a table discussing how best can we manage this.  Why the delay, sounds like the doctor was expecting senior management to bat it away like they usually do make the complaint run it’s course and fizzle out.   Why doesn’t the hospital just take ownership?

  • I'm so sorry that the latest development isn't more positive. It does seem like they're hoping you give up and go away when the intransigence is having the opposite effect.

    Take care

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Thanks for your reply Jebel 

    Maybe the hospital doesn't want to own it because they know the management have already tried batting it away .... and had it batted straight back at them with evidence in some circumstances!

  • Thanks Wildcat

    I agree they do want me to simply go away, but this is for my husband and all the other patients in the future that will attend the same hospital... lessons need to be learned.

    I am like an unwanted wasp at a summer picnic.... I will not simply go away if they wave their arms and try to stick obstacles in my way.