The love of my life Husbands funeral on tuesday

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  • 27 subscribers

My Darling husband died on 21st September and it funeral on tuesday. I am dreading it.i still cant accept he is gone and never going to see him again. Sat with him in chapel of rest  yesterday and even that didnt seem real.  

 I am trying to be strong for my son and daughter but i am in pieces and crying  every time no one is looking.

My son will be leaving soon after as going back to uni and daughter will also be leaving to go back to her work.

Dont know how to go on without him.  I miss him so much .

I know everybody tries to say you will move on and get over it. But coming from people who have not experienced  loss it is just patronising. They dont have any idea how i feel . Then they just go home and get on with their lives. 

Closure is what people say about funersl  dont want closure just want him back.

Life seems so pointless. What is it all for.

Dont feel like  eating .,not sleeping  sat here in tears writing this . What did i do to deserve this.

Its just not fair worked all our lives for this to happen  whats the point of it all.feel like just giving up.

  • hi, it is so raw for you at the moment and everything you say is true.  Unless you have lost a partner nobody can understand the feelings we all have.

    Personally i didn’t think my husbands funeral (2 weeks ago) was closure.  I think closure comes with time once the grieving process kicks in.  Every body grieves differently, I am at the anger stage,  i think with all the wicked people in the world why did my husband die?  He didn’t have a bad bone in his body and didn’t deserve this cruel disease. 

    i know you don’t feel like eating but you do need to look after yourself (says the person who has lost around 2 stone) but make sure you do eat as much as you can every day.

    Please don’t give up, you gave a family who live you.  Make sure that you have support of friends and family, my friends have been amazing.  Take care and I’m sending you a massive hug.  This forum is fir you to rant and rave at any time (we all feel like that whatever stage we are at).



  • Thankyou for your reply. I understand the anger and why me .my husband only ever helped everybody  and like you say all the bad horrible  people seem to thrive. Lifes so unfair.

    At least  having a rant on here everybody gets it. 

    I know everbody tells you to eat and its hard when you feel like you have a  permanent  lump in your throat. I have also lost a stone in last 12 days since David died. I know i will have to try for my families  sake.

    You also take care and i hope  we can all get through this  

    Carol xx

  • I lost my husband last week he was 50, he suffered so much I watched him being crippled by cancer no one deserves what he went through im broken I can't eat,I'm scared I'm never going to recover from this.

  • I know how you feel.  My husband was in agony and looked like a shadow of himself towards the end.

    Got through funeral was a lovely service and the sun shone and rain stopped  for the 2hrs at the church and cemetry  concidering it rained  torrentially before and as soon as we were finished it felt like David was making the sun shine for us. 

    We all tried to make it a celebration  of his life rather than a sombre affair .

    Some good stories from years ago that i had forgotten, people i had not seen for a long time.

    Even one gentleman from his work turned up for the  employers who thought a lot about him. Considering he worked in malaysia  and the gentleman worked out of Dubai office it was a kind and thought full gesture.

    Seems so final now back home and i too wonder if i am ever going to feel normal again.i cant imagine my life moving on from this i am 55 and feel like my life is over as no one can ever replace him .

  • What are we supposed to do I feel so powerless so pathetic, the house is so quiet I thought I was tough but obviously the last 14 months has drained me of myself,I miss him I miss having a man to hold, i miss his presence miss him making me who I am and who i was apparently I just never knew it how blind we are to our blessings.

  • Hello Jayne, you are strong otherwise you wouldn’t have got through the last 14 months. i know it’s so hard and it will be for a long time,  What is helping me is trying to do something every day, whether it’s some paperwork, going for a walk, going for a coffee with a friend.  Everybody is different but you need to find your happy place for a small time every day.

    im actually on holiday with my daughter and yesterday 2 white feathers flew down from the sky, just missed our balcony which made us laugh but to me it was a sign that Rob is still with us.

    Sending you a massive hug, we all know what you are going through.


  • Oh Sad00000, I am so very sorry for your loss. I know it's so unimaginable that we can go on once they are no longer with us because they were everything to us and we were everything that mattered together. It's very early days for you. It's important that you try to eat a little - just little bites here and there - or maybe you could get some Fortisip drinks for the time being, they at least give you some energy and nutrions. You will start eating again, don't worry. I was like you: couldn't eat and couldn't sleep. But eventually it all seemed to calm down a little, my system seemed to adjust. This is three years ago. I know it's so hard. Sending virtual hugs. Mel

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.