Husband funeral was yesterday

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  • 27 subscribers

He had one of the best send offs I'm sure he'd be so proud of me,that's what I was told by sincerely living friends, I come into an empty home,I can't forget his deterioration for past 9 months,pain,no QOL,I suffered watching an feeling helpless, I almost felt that I had the disease myself,after his 2nd line treatment that put him in hospital with pneumonia, 5weeks later not being able to leave,I was with him when he died,I feel robbed,lonely, despaired at what's been happening, in shock and now scared of how I'm going to manage my life without him,it's too raw and painful, can anyone share this experience, what helps,love to all those who stay strong as is possible for you

  • Hi Curle

    I am so sorry you have had to join this group.Its real early days for you, and everyone is so different in how they get threw this.

    Its two years on the 8th October since i lost my hubby, i  never ever thought i would or could get threw the first month, i had to keep busy and did one day at a time, and then another day.

    I think we all re live the last few months of their live, i know i did, i was angry with him, i was sad, i i was numb i was lost.

    Irs all part of the grieving process and we all have to go threw the emotions, i am not so sad now or cry as much, i still have my moments and the emotions still come out of the blue.

    I have done jobs i never ever had to do before, they where his jobs but some how i have done them, and i think he would be proud of me.

    It would have been our  wedding anniversary tomorrow, and i shall put up two cards, the last one i gave him a week before he went and the one he had for me. might sound silly, but i need to do it, i have not forgotten it was our special day, we all have to do what is best for us and we all have our way of doing things,

    You will get there, just take it slowly, you gave him a good send of, that was the first step.

    Please use this group as you will get a lot of support from it, i would never ever have got this far if it was not for the people here, that truly understand what we are going threw.

    Take Care Ellie x

  • Hi Curle,

    It's perfectly normal to be in shock for you right now. It's super raw. You're just at the beginning of the journey. I'm really sorry that you had to join our sad bunch but the online forum does help a lot and I hope that you'll find comfort too.

    For now, take it easy, one step at a time, one day at a time. Don't be hard on yourself, whatever you're feeling is fine. It takes time to adjust but it will get better.

    Take care xx

  • I really appreciate your kind words,definitely helps when someone understands what I am going through, yes it's very hard and raw,it's been a painful journey for months now,I will need to take one day at a time,I love the fact that you celebrate your wedding anniversary, I will definitely keep our marriage alive,take good care of yourself 


  • Thanks for your supportive words which hold true,I have to take each day as it comes,if there is anything I have learned that should certainly be that,take care of yourself  xxxxx