Week from hell

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  • 29 subscribers

I've just had the  week from hell. Told last Monday his back pain was treatable spinal cancer, told Tuesday it was lung cancer that had spread to his bones and liver and was incurable but he could have immunotherapy which might give him more time. Weds the palliative nurses wanted him home, even said a short break was possible. Thursday the doctors weren't happy with his blood pressure which was low. Friday the palliative nurses tripled his pain meds and he was too drowsy and dopey to talk much. Sat blood pressure still too low to go home, still drowsy.  Sunday the new palliative nurse told me to get anyone who wanted to see him in. His best friend drove 400 miles back from his holiday. My daughter, (his step daughter) and the grandson who adored him (10yrs old) came to say goodbye. I stayed at the hospital, they had changed his medication to a pump and he had a rough evening with his tummy, eventually finding that sitting on a chair with his head on the bed was the only comfortable place. He then threw himself back and into my arms and head on my chest as I stood at the side of his chair and lost conciousness. He never woke up and passed away about half an hour after this in my arms. 

Where do I go from here? I'm in bits. They were meant to discuss giving him immunotherapy the very day he died. My daughter,  partner and grandson are with me but can't stay much longer because of their work and school. He was retired, I was doing one more year. We have 4 dogs and 2 horses. How can I work and look after them? 

He wanted to change his will which was written years ago and we thought we had time to set his affairs in order. Now I'm left knowing his wishes aren't going to be followed because we didn't get chance to see a solicitor. He was fit to talk to one on Friday morning but the care nurse said we had time to actually see one the following week so we didn't do it. He told his best friend who is an executor and we are going to request his verbal wishes are agreed but without a signature I don't hold much hope.

I also feel guilty because I'm not weeping all the time. I started grieving before he died so when he did I was numb. I still feel numb. I feel if I let it out there wontbe any of me left.

Now I have to arrange a funeral. I feel so alone, if I didn't have my daughter, grandson and animals I would join him, but I cant do to them what I am going through. We had so much planned. We were so lucky in our love a d life and now its all gone. 

  • So sorry for your loss and that you had to join the forum no one wants to be a part of. It is although really helpful as you will probably find out.

    There must be a billion things going around in your head right now, it is so early! The only thing I wanted to say is that you shouldn't feel guilty for whatever feeling you have. We all carve our own path through grief and you can have expectations on how you should feel or react. You are allowed to be sad, but you are also allowed to be not sad, numb, happy even at times, don't feel guilty, it takes a long time for the brain to figure everything out (not sure it really happens completely, but there are steps in the right direction).

    I hope that you'll manage to get help from your family and friends for the funeral and for adjusting to what happened to you.

    Take care xx

  • Dear LunaLou,

    Your pain is beyond anyone's else's comprehension. Despite us all grieving our own losses in our own way your grief is very special and personal to you. Bless you.

    Your loved ones Will also seems a bone of contention for you which is worrying also; specially with 4 dogs and 2 horses to maintain. Let's hope the financial legacy works out in your favour to leave you in peace to grieve your heart felt loss for the love of your life and provide you with the life style you both enjoyed despite your tragic loss. 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • hi, I am so sad to read this, losing your partner is horrendous, everybody grieves differently.  My Rob died 6 weeks ago and I can be a quivering mess one day but fine the next whereas my daughter barely cries.

    I hope you get the will sorted as that will be one thing off of your mind.

    Big hugs


  • Hello LunaLou,

    Reading your post brought tears to my eyes. I would like to give you a long, big, virtual hug. There are no words. Sometimes the hug is all that we need.

    I am so sorry for your loss. You must be in total shock because it all happened so quickly. This disease is so cruel.

    It is unfortunate that you weren't able to get the affairs in order but hopefully you will be able to get the legal support and advice you need and hopefully it will be taken into account that it all happened way too fast for you to make any further arrangements.

    It's a pity your family will have to leave - or have they already left - and please know that we are all here for you to talk to and to reach out whenever you need support.

    Sending lots of love and strength!


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • I understand your grief completely, the doctors only let us know that his cancer spread after 2nd line treatment which put him in hospital  pneumonia, the doctors will treat a patient regardless if they are fit enough,my husband wasn't, treatments were too aggressive, that was that ,5 weeks later,his blood pressure was so low,I knew I could hardly leave his side and that getting home was never an option anymore, I don't rack my head anymore, it's almost as if doctors go through protocol,tick the right boxes and hope for the best,you are at their mercy,I will always put blame on hus GP who said 3yrs ago that it's only inflation & scar tissue through chest xray,he was called back 6weeks later for another one,no change,nothing to worry,here's antibiotics,now gone.PUSH FOR A CT SCAN, listen to your body,GP'S don't always do what they should in the first place,I will never get over that,my husband could  be still here today

  • I'm so sorry. I think he would be here too if he had been seen earlier. Xxx