It's been 10 years...

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  • 25 subscribers

Hey everyone, I'm a newbie here so am just dropping my first message here.

I lost my husband to Prostate cancer back in 2011. It was a difficult time for me as he passed away just mere days before my 24th birthday and just a month shy of our 3rd wedding anniversary, also his birthday (valentines day).

Needless to say we had amazing support from Macmillan, and even after he had passed away they still kept in touch with me for bereavement support.

I won't lie, i struggled immensely and some days I just wanted to give up, but i knew if I did I would have been letting him down and myself too.Being so young at the time and being his carer from the time of diagnosis to the time he died, looking back it has put my life into a whole new perspective, I now appreciate so much more of what I have, just 3 years after he passed I was blessed with my daughter, who is my absolute world.

I've gone on now to gain a diploma in Special Educational Needs and Disability, and I am starting a whole new career direction as a volunteer teaching assistant tomorrow. (27th September). My late husband always knew that it was my dream to be a mother, and because of his illness we were unable to live that dream together, so in turn I feel that I am living his dream for him. We did talk about it, and we had even discussed that if it were to happen the names we would have picked. So in memoriam of him I chose to name my daughter Daisy-Mae, which was his choice of girls name, so really, I always have a part of him with me.

I now have a wonderful man in my life who has taken my daughter under his wing and loves her as his own, he knows what I have been through regarding my late husband and is so supportive of me, he understands that it's sometimes difficult for me to talk about it and comforts me if I get upset when I do talk about it.

I've learnt over the years how to cope with it and deal with the fact that I have lost someone dear to me and I believe that time can be a healer with the right people around you. Granted yes, I love my partner with all my heart, of course I do, but there will always be a small place in my heart that belongs to my husband.

So i am basically here to offer to anyone a person to talk to, feel free to as me questions about what I did, how I coped etc, I have no problem talking to you about whatever you wish to ask.

Best wishes 


  • Hi Carla 

    Well done to you. I too have a place in my heart for my first husband who died over 8 years ago and dad to my two children ( who are no longer children really) but sadly my second husband who died almost two years ago has left me annoyed. Not because he died but because he never really treated me well. 

    I have a new boyfriend ( for want of a better word). I knew him over 35 years ago and we met up and started dating just over a year ago. He treats me well but his son can be difficult who is 21! But I try to avoid discussion on him. 

    My daughter is called Hannah May but she has a rag doll from birth who had daisies onnher dress that we call Daisy May. It is a pretty name. Hannah has just turned 18. I wanted to buy her a keepsake so bought a daisy necklace and was thrilled she got the idea why straight away. I also gave her my engagement ring from her dad to me which is very special but I wanted her to keep now. 

    It is a long process but I think we can all have a day to miss our loved one and be upset sometimes. My BF gets it. But generally I move forwards and try to live in a future.

    Love and hugs Alison xxx