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My sweetheart, love of my life. My soulmate. 

You passed into spirit just over two years ago from that evil pancreatic cancer.  Please don't let my memory of you fade with time. Please don't allow my emotions and feelings governing my devotion to you become weaker. I'm still married to you sweetie pie and as I said just before your passing when you gave me permission to find another woman. I'm a one woman man my Anne. And no other woman will ever enter into my life. I miss your sweet presence every day and I hope I always will. Because although the devastating grief I felt after your passing nearly destroyed me I am surviving. I survive from day to day because nature hasn't yet given me permission to pass over to where you are now my darling. I'm just stuck with it. I do on occasions find satisfaction tending our garden. And when meeting our children I do brighten up. But they of course will never know the true me. I keep that to myself. I mean what could they do to help? If I revealed my constant inner sadness it would just burden them with worry. I've seen the signs you've sent me and collected them. Coins mysteriously appearing in the house in the strangest of places followed by white feathers. You always knew I was Spiritual.  And when my face tingles like a spider is building a cobweb over my face I talk to you because I know you are visiting me. I will always be married to you the only love of my life. Because at nearly 76yrs  how can  I,  as they say  ' move on?'  Move onto what?  Please don't let my memory of you fade with time. Please don't allow my emotions and feelings governing my love and devotion to you become weaker. We were married for 50yrs. And I still love  you from the first time we met until I witnessed your last breath. And my love continues. As it will forever. Remember what I said just before you passed?  You passed with a tiny smile on your sweet face.

My ever lasting Love.