How do I do this without him??

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  • 28 subscribers

On the 30th August, my wonderful husband lost his fight with this horrible disease. He was diagnosed at the end of January with stomach cancer but by then it had already spread to his spine & lymph nodes. My strong capable and confident hubby went from being well to being a lot of pain and reduced mobility in the space of a few weeks.  but he made it past those first few crappy months with the help of radiotherapy and a good palliative nurse who balanced his meds with his needs.  We knew from the start that it would win at some point but after chemo pushing it back and being given an extended prognosis in June of 6-12 months with a break from the chemo it felt like we would get a bit of quality time without all the appointments. We managed a week before the next thing hit and he spent 2 weeks in the hospital after fluid built up in his chest. We got him home but it seemed that for every step forward there were 2 back. Even though he was so fatigued he still managed to get up everyday even if for a few hours to sit on the couch or for fresh air in the garden. He stayed my hubby right to the end, We cried together, laughed together and he never once showed me anything but love and care. I have been honoured to share the 10 years, before that I didn’t know it could be so perfect.  I miss him so much that I think I might break.  People talk about there being brighter days after the dark but I thought I’d had my dark days before we met and he has been my light .  How do I do this without you xx

  • Hello.
    Your question resonates with me as I ask myself that almost every day since my beloved died on the 15th February. We had lived with his diagnosis for just over three years yet it was still a shock when he died. Like your husband my Gordon was with me to the end which was lovely as so many on here had an horrendous ending. 
    So how will you do this? I literally take every day as it comes and at times it’s been an hour at a time to get through but I am doing this. You will too my dear, you will laugh again and you will cry a lot. You might become a bit reclusive, angry, sweaty and bitter or maybe that’s just me. 
    I feel now I’m quite peaceful, sad and alone but not giving up ( well some days I am.) Anything goes in grief October Sky. Be kind to yourself and let people help you as and when.

    Best wishes and keep safe

    June xx

  • Hi

    I’m so sorry  you have had to join this site but I’m sure it will help as everyone will understand what you are going through. It is still such early days for you …..

    My husband,Ian, died 14 weeks ago today, just 7 weeks after a terminal diagnosis and being promised a year with chemo. A subsequent brain tumour and radiotherapy prevented him from having any chemo.

    I know what you mean about brighter days after the dark, as I too had dark days before I met Ian and then we were lucky enough to have 40 years together. All I can see is a return to the dark days and lonely evenings.

    I received lots of advice on this site and so please take each hour/day as it comes and never expect too much of yourself. Everyone grieves in their own way and in their own time. 

    Take care of yourself and remember you are not alone,

    x Julie

  • Oh October Sky I am so very sorry for the death of your husband. I am sending you a big virtual hug.

    What I have learned in the three years since I became a widow at the age of only 35 is: just one step at a time. We do this without them by just taking one step at a time.

    It is still very raw for you. And right now the most important thing is to mind yourself. We are all doing that in different ways. Some of us need to spend a lot of time in nature. Some of us need to sleep a lot. Some of us need to take particular care where eating is concerned as they may not feel the need to eat or drink. Please do what feels right for you at the moment, even though probably nothing really does, but be good to yourself. And keep posting here. This group is really wonderful. We are all here because we have gone through a similar experience and therefore we do understand.

    Lots of love Mel X

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Sorry  you need  to join      I think some people  are  just  our light    our soul mates   and they  flood our  life and heart with so much  joy and love  .

    I lost my husband in June  of 24 years   he was my light . and  all I can say  is  a day  at a time  and it's really  ok  to  let them emotions out  there will be hard days  follow  by a good   

    There allways with  us  we carry them in our hearts    

    Take care joanna x

  • Yesterday was exactly 4 weeks since my hubby had to go and it wasn’t a good day. I’m not yet sure if today will be much better.  I try to be thankful for all we had but together but I just feel robbed of our life for the both of us.   I shouldn’t be a widow at 42 and my husband should be here holding me.  It’s so lonely without him.  I’m sorry, I know I’m making no sense right now. 

  • I am so sorry for your loss. 42 is still so young! I am even younger than you, only 39! It is so difficult to imagine the rest of our life without our partner, spouse, best friend. My heart goes out to you. I lost my husband three years ago, and I got through the first while bit by bit, step by step, one moment at a time, until eventually the pain lessened a little and I know feel that I have found a way to live with the pain, even though, if you asked me whether I am living my life how I want to life, of course I would say no I don't because I still would so much love my Paul to be here with me.

    Lots of love and strength X

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.