PALS -Complaint

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers


Some of you on here may remember my earlier posts detailing that I have an official complaint against the hospital regarding my husband's treatment (lack of it)

I promised to update when I had anything further to add....

I finally received a response 10 month later. ..              pages of waffle that barely scratched the surface in answering my concerns. I contacted them with a response and also forwarded everything to the Ombudsman.

Today... 5 days after the 1st anniversary of my husband passing away I received a phone call asking if I wanted to meet face to face with medical staff from the hospital concerned.  They know that I have moved 3 hour journey away so I think the lady was surprised when I said "Yes!"  

Not sure when it will be....  

Will it bring him back? of course not but, this, is and always has been my husband's complaint...I am merely his mouthpiece. I will make sure they listen to what my husband had to say.

Will it bring him back?... of course not. Is it about any financial claim? No.  They owe my husband an apology and to acknowledge their failings and neglect. And most important to learn from their mistakes to ensure other patients are treated properly.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pooka,

    Good.  Good the hospital are asking to see you face to face, that indicates there a bit worried, maybe because you didn’t swallow their waffle letter and quietly left it at that.  Sounds like they know their in trouble and want to get a measure of who they are dealing with by having a face to face chat.  Senior management will be in attendance for sure in damage limitation mode and protecting the trusts reputation at all costs.   

    Ask them to put themselves in your shoes would they be happy receiving their official response letter especially after waiting 10 months?   If the boot was on the other foot.  
    Peter x

  • Thanks Peter.. I agree with your comments.

    They'll have more of a shock when they meet me, as I will be accompanied by my daughter.. She is a lecturer in Law at university. The professor may just have met his match!

  • Good for you 

    Part of me wishes I had continued but I ended up just wanting to put it all to bed in the end.

    Good luck though and hope you get the apology and outcome your husband, you and others deserve 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pooka

    Sounds like he has, brilliant.  The hospital can face the music and quite rightly so for all their failings.

    When a meeting date is known ask them in advance for the names of everyone attending check who they have lined up.  Who the hospital want in attendance would be telling.  It’s good to know.

     I bet your so proud of your daughter.  My son is studying law at university funny enough, he loves it.