Trying to cope with my loss.

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  • 30 subscribers

Hi everone, I lost my wife 11 weeks ago and we was married for 30 years. I'm looking for some support and people who i can chat with so it doesn't build up inside and make me feel worse. Claire(My wife) was fighting a rare type of cancer for 4 years and she was 47 years young when she passed away peacefully in St Ann's Hospice Cheadle.

  • Hi StuiidLemon (interesting user name) Blush

    47 is way too young. My husband passed away in St Anne’s hospice 13 weeks ago age 52! 
    No age is good but the younger they are the more of life they have been denied. 
    Grieving is hard, very hard. 
    I have found this site really helpful just knowing that we’re all feeling that same immense pain. 
    All I can say is allow yourself to feel all that you need too, cry as much as you need to, the release is good. 
    There is no straight path I’m learning it’s simply day by day. 
    I’m trying so hard to ‘help myself’ but nothing really works but at least ‘trying’ I know David would want that. 
    We all just help each other by listening and being here, knowing the pain you’re in!! 
    I’m just aiming (like everyone on here) to have my grief beside me instead of engulfing me and I’m learning that takes time. How much I’ve no idea! I just keep putting one foot in front of the other! 

    I’m glad you’ve found this site.


  • sorry pressed the wrong button.

    I am so sorry you have had to join this group, it really does take time, one day at a time is the easiest way, 

    There is no right or wrong way on how you deal with your grief, every one is so different.

    It has taken 18months now for me to Amit  to myself that he is not coming home, and this is now real and i have woken up  from the dream state  that i was going threw..

    Its hard no doubt about that, i cried, i cursed him, was angry for leaving me, every emotions you can think of, and never knew when they would rear their ugly head.

    At times i really thought i was going mad.

    This is a great group for support and i would never have got this far with out it.

    Every one truly understands how you are  feeling and always some one here to listen to you whether your angry, sad want to moan, all at some times have been there.

    You are not alone on this journey, only those that have or are going threw it truly knows how you fill.

    Take Care Ellie xx

  • Hi 

    Just want you to know I am here reading, I often don't have words but just to know people real understand on this site helps me.

    Take your time, you feel like this for a very good eason, take each day or hour at a time.

    Take care 


  • Hello Stupidlemon

    I too lost my lovely wife Julia only 14 weeks ago to ovarian cancer and it feels like only yesterday! We had been married 59 years but still felt so young at heart, having sailed together, skiid together and had a great couple of children as well as been fortunate to have travelled the world together. It all now seems so empty but I am lucky to have a wonderful daughter living with me which helps, but I miss her so much especially at this time of night. Keeping busy during the day helps but I miss her humour, her thoughtfulness and her enthusiasm for life in general, so I have a little weep and then try to think of what she would want me to do tomorrow and that helps a little. Take care, “those who we love never really go away, they walk beside us every day!” COLIN 

  • Hello 

    I can only agree with what others have said- the support and understanding from others on here is so valuable. Sadly we all get what you're going through.

    It's over 7 months since I lost my wonderful husband. I still feel a huge sadness and have days where I really believe that I'm going to wake up from the nightmare that took over our lives last July. 

    My advice, for what it's worth, is to return to this site as often as you feel the need, read what others share and don't feel any pressure to write or comment every time.

    And be kind to yourself, take things at a pace that is right for you. Don't let others tell you what you should be doing or how you should be feeling.

    Jane x

  • Hi 

    So sorry for your loss and that you have had to join this group. 

    I can only agree with what the others have said, that this is a great group for support. Grieving is so painful and exhausting but there is always someone here to listen, which just helps in itself.

    The advice of taking one day at a time does work for me so take your time and be gentle with yourself. It is such a hard road we tread but we all understand on what you are going through x


    I am so very sorry for your loss. And I am glad you have found this group here, a group of people who all understand because they have been there and are going through the same as you are going through.

    I lost my husband Paul a little over three years ago. And I have found this group an extremely valuable support during all this time. I don't know how I would have cope without the support of this group.

    Best wishes


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.