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I am finalising arrangements for my husbands funeral (delayed because of postmortem 5 wks) - had to take clothes to funeral parlour which was okay- decided to pop into B&Q for plants - I was distraught inside store and couldn't get out quick enough, kept looking for my husband in the aisles - I have been to other stores which was difficult but nothing like this - I have been sobbing all day, it's so sore, feel I'm back to square one all because of a DIY store.

  • So sorry to hear this Ruddy but totally understand. I can’t go to the regular supermarket we both used to go to- partly for that same reason of looking for him and partly because he used to chat to one particular lady on the tills, had done for years, and I just can’t bring myself to face seeing her. She’ll be so upset. Because of lockdown restrictions there’s a fair few other places we used to go that I’m sure I’ll struggle to visit on my own. 
    It’s so hard.

    Sending hugs



  • Hi

    So sorry to hear this, I had the same experience also in b&q!

    I have been back since but knowing how it would probably affect me again I made a point of just going in for one thing and then leaving. It did help and I can go in there now and usually I'm OK.

    Things like this happen and take you by surprise which makes it even worse.

     If I need to leave somewhere I do, for my sanity and because I don't want people to see me upset. I do try and revisit but sometimes I just can't. 

    All shops are hard because they play music and songs which all seem to turn me into a blubbering mess.

    It is so very hard but hopefully in time we will be able to do things we can't at the moment.

    Take care and don't be hard on yourself, you're not back to square one xx

  • Thank you for your thoughts - makes me feel that I'm not alone with these feelings - I know it will take time but it's very hard.


  • FormerMember

    Hi ruddy 

    sending you a virtual hug 

    I so understand what you are saying xx be kind to you 

  • Hi ruddy 

    It's been 6 1/2 months without my husband when I first lost him the only way I could leave the house was to have my headphones on and listen to an audio book I started getting paranoid that everyone was talking about me and the thought of someone coming up to me and saying how sorry they where filled me with dread. 

    It does get easier with time I still always listen to books when I go anywhere I find i can just go into my own little world do what I need to and go home 

    I hope you manage to go back to B&Q as that's where I work thankfully neil was never any good at diy so he only use to drop me off and not go in 

    Sending hugs kate xx

  • I totally get this Ruddy. 
    I feel exactly the same in shops. I have to go to places David and I never went, or hardly went or I simply can’t take it. 
    I get really anxious going out anywhere really. 
    its 11weeks today since David died and I’m exhausted by how I feel every day. 
    I thought I was perhaps getting somewhere but it’s so ‘all over the place’ how I feel. I’ve cried every single day. I know that feeling of back to square one. I just can’t accept he’s gone. I’m told all the time there will come a day I will feel like living again and I will be able to remember him with smiles of happy times not crying every day at thoughts of him but right now I just can’t see that and it hurts so much. 