Mortgage free

  • 6 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Mortgage free as of 2.30pm today and no one to share it with Pensive We would've gone to the pub to celebrate with a bottle of prosecco for me, a glass for Colin plus an alcohol-free lager!! Heart instead I'm home on my own again with a cup of tea Disappointed When I go to the cemetery later I will have a nip of port and pour some on to the grave as if he was having a drink too! 

Wine glassBug might even go to Marks's and get some mini Colin the Caterpillar cakes BugRevolving hearts

  • It’s the not sharing those moments that’s hard.

    I painted the new fence this week, made a dreadful mess but did it. There was no one there- Chris, mostly-  to either laugh at the state I was in or say well done. Of course, if he’d been here, I wouldn’t have had to do was definitely on his job description, not mine! So yes, I cried.

    Enjoy your port and your Colin the Caterpillar cake

    Sending virtual hugs



  • Hi BootsyD 

    Just read your profile what a journey, the word that jumped out at me was Sarcoma. I knew very little about it until Rob was diagnosed.

    Money, hate it, just want Rob back, we saved for retirement but at 54 he saw none of it. Life so unfair 

    Thinking of you. 


  • Thank you for your replies. Donna I remember relpying to you when you first came into this group with the mention of Sarcoma, it's not known as much as other cancers. Colins youngest  son Jake is fundraising for Sarcoma UK by walking 10 peaks in 10 weeks (might be more weeks as the weather has been crap) Jane I painted our fence last year and could honestly hear Colin telling me I had too much paint on the brush or not enough Grin I'm a better tea-lady than a painter!!

    Sandra Slight smile

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Oh Sandra, me too. Do much better at providing cake and coffee to those doing the hard jobs! 
    Sending hugs



  • FormerMember

    Hi BootsyD,

    Nothing feels the same does it? From the littlest things to the big things it’s so hard not having our soulmates to physically share them with Pensive Thinking of you