Another bad and sad day

  • 10 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Good evening everyone,

I am going to try and explain how I have felt today..

So nearly 15 weeks since Rob died and today I have had to have his best friend put down, his 13 1/2 year old Golden Labrador, Chilli. Chilli has been in poor health for some time and very unsettled since Robs diagnoses in July last year. Today I needed Rob here to help make the decision of what to do, the responsibility was so hard to bare. I truly are alone.

So today I feel I am back to square one, cried all day, the guilt  that I have not been able to keep both Rob and Chilli alive, is enormous. 

I am feeling very vulnerable, but mainly deeply sad.  As some of you will know I am awaiting a PALS enquiry into Rob's care and traumatic death which is now 2 weeks overdue, with them saying they are still awaiting information. I know the outcome won't change anything but do hope it will help if others don't have to go through what we went through and some lessons can be learnt. I am very thankful that he enjoyed his last 11 weeks at home with me and Chilli (when he was sent home after 12 weeks in hospital, with no visitors, he was home with 24 hours notice he was given weeks not months to live)  People talk of years of battles with cancer, I know I am being selfish but would happily battle with him if only he could be here.

I was going to wait to see how I felt and coped with the outcome of the enquiry before deciding to take up counselling, but today have decided I think I need it and guess there will be a waiting list .

Tomorrow is another day.



  • Oh Donna, I’m so so sorry to hear your news. There are no words but sending you huge virtual hugs. I hope you don’t have to wait too long for counselling and that it helps you at such a rubbish time. 
    Take care



  • Donna I am sending you the biggest hug. I totally get where you are coming from but for now our little dog is still here yet I know it’s not going to be long before I lose her. Keep string my dear and definitely get the counselling started - I’m finding it such a help. 
    June x

  • Oh Donna that’s incredibly hard! My heart goes out to you it really does. 

    When we were all on the zoom on Friday and you were telling us things about Chilli it made me think of David’s dog Lucy whom we had to put down Oct 2020. It was so hard and David, myself and David’s son James wept so much. 

    I know you made the right decision for Chilli and Rob would know that too. It just means added loss for you left behind but know we are all here and we understand. 

    In October 2019 I had to have my cat Precious put down which broke my heart. Then October 2020 Lucy had to be put down and it was awful but then little did I know I hadn’t experienced heart break to the max yet because then February 2021 my beloved husband David died. Nothing can fully describe that pain as we all know only too well. 

    Im so glad you are seeking help. Yes there may be a wait list but it’s worth getting on it. 

    You didn’t not keep Rob or Chilli alive, death is out of our hands. Even as far as pets go. You were being kind to Chilli, it’s you that suffers. 

    Big virtual hug and thank you for sharing.


  • Hi Donna,

    I just wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. To lose Rob is more grief than anyone should ever have to go through but to lose your little mate as well, its just simply awful. I’m absolutely gutted for you and I can’t imagine how you’re feeling at the moment, simply devastated would probably sum up how you’re feeling.

    I know you must be feeling so low at the moment but you have good friends and beautiful souls on this site that will help you as much as we can, as we all share your sadness.

    You take care and god bless and I really do hope we all find peace one day, Ian x

  • Oh Donna what a horrible time for you. I’m so sorry that you are going through this.

    When you think things can’t get any worse life kicks you in the teeth again.

    You have nothing to feel guilty about at all. Rob and Chilli were lucky to be loved by you.

    I know about traumatic death and it never goes away does it? 

    Sending a big virtual hug

    Amanda xx

  • Check with your local hospice. The hospice up here offered grief counselling and it was helpful. I am of the opinion that, in the long run, counselling is helpful, but there is no "cure" for grief. It will last until the end of my life. I know that. You can't love someone with your whole heart and then "get over" it. But speaking to someone who knows about grief is helpful. And make sure you are able to get counselling from someone who puts you at ease and makes you feel comfortable. Sometimes we don't completely "match" with counsellors and it's important that there is a connection there.

    Hoping you are able to get the help you need soon and you don't have to wait.



    "i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) ..."
    Life must end, but love is eternal.

  • Hi Martha, 

    Thanks counselling is.littke less straight forward for me. 

    I worked at the hospice up until Rob's diagnoses, I have lots of friends there, so it isn't an option for me there. They are amazing but will not put on them. Hopefully soon I will meet them again for there wonderful friendship relationships. 

    I was also a cruse bereavement care volunteer, so again I know them all.

    I need somebody completely impartial, yes that I can trust and fully open up to.

    It's hard because all my friends are in the same line of work.

    I will see what is offered, know it needs to be face to face can't bare anymore telephone chats 



    We will see what is iffere

  • Hi Donna

    I didn't realise you worked at the hospice yourself and are in the line of work of bereavement care too. A tough but rewarding job I would suspect?

    I can understand that it's a little difficult to get counselling from there as they are your 'colleagues' but when you say 'won't put on them' I am sure they would help you as you are now in need of that yourself. I understand if you don't want to get counselling from someone you know though, that's possibly not so simple. Other than different cancer care places or other hospices there is the NHS but I hear the wait list is terrible. 

    There is always the option of getting a counsellor/therapist yourself but of course they don't come cheap do they.

    I've been thinking about you after your post about Chilli, I do hope you are OK. ...well, I know you're not but I'm thinking of you. Of us all really. 

    Off to the doctor now to fight to keep hold of my sleeping tablets for a while longer!! Fingers crossed

    Sending strength to all.


  • Hi Donna,

    I didn't realise that you were working in that line of work. So do I actually. I am loving my work and feel that, especially because I have gone through loss, grief and bereavement myself, I can be a help to those who are going through it right now.

    Sending a big hug


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi Donna,

    Oh I am so so sorry to hear of your second loss in such a short period of time. First your lovely Rob and now Chili too. I can imagine how heart-broken you must feel right now. I am sending you a big virtual hug!

    Love Mel

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.