Early days

  • 10 replies
  • 30 subscribers

My husband died a week ago. We were very lucky that the science kept ahead of his type of cancer and we lived a good life long after his diagnosis. I am very grateful that he walked both daughters down the aisle and met all his grandchildren. I am lucky that friends get me out for a walk each day. At the moment the future looks bleak and I feel half of me is missing. I am dreading the funeral. 

  • I am sorry for your loss, it is real early days for you,

    You will get a great lot of support from this group and every one here understand what you are feeling and going threw.

    I felt lost did not know who i was with out him, i am now 18months down the road, and am only just starting to come to terms with him not being around though very hard at times.

    Every one is so different and you have to do things in your own time, mine was busy busy busy, this disrated me from the situation i was now in, it was not until xmas when every thing hit me, and have started counselling and have o say it has helped so much.

    You can say what you like here and no one judges, at times i thought i was going mad, and anger crept in all part of the grieving process.

    Others will come along and welcome you though we all wish we did not have to welcome any one really,

    Take Care ellie xx

  • Hello Mary 1

    So sorry for you loss.

    As Ellie said it's very early days for you,  and hopefully you'll find this group of great support as I have. I lost my lovely husband last August we were together 47 years and to say I'm broken is an understatement. 

    Ellie so rightly said everyone is different and we all have to grieve in our own way , its painful   but hopefully one day we'll find peace. .

    Hooe you find support here, take care. Xx

  • Hello Mary, I lost my lovely Julia eight weeks ago and like you I feel one half of me is missing. Talking about her helps and keeping busy takes my mind off the grieving at times.  The funeral was so hard but family support as well as the personal nature of it by virtue of the restricted numbers helped me to get through it.
    Take care, 


  • FormerMember

    Hello Mary 

    I am so sorry for your loss big virtual hug xx 

  • Hello Mary1

    So sorry for your loss. Such early days for you but you will find that people on here are so understanding and so supportive.
    It’s been over six months for me and I’d love to be able to say that I’ve got used to being without Chris but I haven’t. I still feel there’s a huge gap and feel lost.I think I’m coping better some days but others are still so very painful. I would just say to take things at a pace that suits you, don’t be pushed into doing what other people think you should be doing. I found I coped better when I limited the official stuff to just a couple of things each day. I just couldn’t go through answering all the same questions again and again and again.
    With regard to the funeral (and apologies for  having repeated this on other threads) Someone close to me said that I should think of it as the last chance to do something special for the person I’d loved with every bone in my body for over 46 years. I did try to hold on to that thought but confess that I did sob silent tears for most of the funeral. Even so, I think it helped me not lose the plot completely. 
    Come back to this group as often as you feel the need, read what others share, reply if you want but don’t feel you must. But I’ve certainly found that having somewhere to ramble and share thoughts and feelings has been invaluable in helping me through the grieving process. 
    Take care and sending virtual hugs



  • Thank you for your replies and much needed advice. I am taking one day at a time. Dreading the bank holiday. I really miss the comfort of someone who knew me so well. 

  • Hello Mary1

    As it's the bank holiday I just wanted to say I hope you are OK! ... well, I know you are not but people on here care and understand. 

    It's 9 weeks since I lost my husband and I've cried every day since. As the lovely people on here who have already spoken to you say, take your time and don't try to rush through the grief because it won't let you. You have to go through it for however long that takes. 

    I've definitely been wanting to get to a better space where I don't feel such utter devastation at losing David but it simply isn't that linear. I want to feel happier so I figure that's something but I have to allow the sorrow and pain to do what it needs too as and when and not fight it. 

    Keep talking or even just reading on here. People here understand. 

    Sending much strength that we all need! 


  • Hi Mary,

    I too am so very sorry for your loss. As others have said here, it's very early days for you and all you can do right now I suppose is to mind yourself and to do what feels right for you - living each hour and each day as it comes - and not wanting to rush things because you can't rush grief. Just now I've come off a voicemessage to a friend during which I was crying when I remembered some things about my husband Paul - and it's almost three years for me.



    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi my pineapple and Mel. Thank you for your messages. I had a day out yesterday with my daughter and grandchildren but I am really struggling today. Life seems so empty. I miss the shared history of our life together. It is comforting to talk to people who understand. 
    Take care

  • Sending a virtual hug Hugging 

    We all know that empty feeling too well. In time we hope we can feel less empty but that’s ‘in time’ no way to rush it unfortunately. 