Another one of those moments....

  • 6 replies
  • 26 subscribers

So what’s set me off tonight? I needed to swap my toothbrush and from the collection of new ones in the cabinet (don’t ask) I didn’t have to think about making sure mine was a different colour to Chris’s. So now I’m sitting in bed in floods of tears. I’m finding these small things really do knock me sideways. 
Just wanted to share- I know that you lovely supportive folk will understand 

Sending hugs



  • It is all the little things that trigger but it does get easier and then something might trigger it all again.

    It is usually music with me.

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hello Alison, yes I know what you mean about music. I seem to be forever switching the radio off. I have struggled to listen to CDs, even things Chris didn’t like!




  • Oh Jane,

    I feel for you so much as I do everyone on this forum.

    Changing a toothbrush head may seem insignificant to others that haven’t experienced what we have, but to us this is a big thing and a poignant moment that stops us in our tracks and in really does “fell us” like a tree being cut down.

    I’m also like you, I get so upset when I’m changing everything that Marie may have used before her passing. Whether I’m emptying a jar of jam she may have used or using the last of the toothpaste and throwing the old ones away, I always now stop and think about her hands being on the jar or the tube of toothpaste which completely stops me in my tracks. 

    And it scares me even more now as there seems to be less and less items like the ones I’ve mentioned in the house thats left that she once touched which is a bit upsetting to be honest.

    So I totally get why you got upset about changing the toothbrush head today as it would have upset me too. But sadly we’ll have to go through the changing of lots of new things in the coming weeks/months and years and we’re going to have to accept that this for us now is the new norm, sad as it sounds.

    So you just remember that you’re entitled to get upset at changing a toothbrush head and pop a new colour on the toothbrush just so you’ll remember him even more every morning you brush your teeth. I send you a virtual hug Jane x

    Take care Ian x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jane big virtual hug 

    It’s tough be kind to you xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My hubby didn’t have a toothbrush head to change as he had an old school toothbrush.  So I gave that a clean and put it away in the bathroom cabinet, along with his hair gel, razors and deodorant. I think that part of the cabinet will stay shut for years now...


  • Yes, the shampoo, shaving foam etc is still in my bathroom cabinet too! Just can’t think about it not being there! 
    Sending hugs
